
81 wiersze
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import random
from stellar import StellarUnicorn
graphics = None
palette = None
# setup heat value buffer and fire parameters
width = StellarUnicorn.WIDTH + 2
height = StellarUnicorn.HEIGHT + 4
heat = [[0.0 for y in range(height)] for x in range(width)]
fire_spawns = 5
damping_factor = 0.97
def init():
# a palette of five fiery colours (white, yellow, orange, red, smoke)
global palette
palette = [
graphics.create_pen(0, 0, 0),
graphics.create_pen(20, 20, 20),
graphics.create_pen(180, 30, 0),
graphics.create_pen(220, 160, 0),
graphics.create_pen(255, 255, 180)
# returns the palette entry for a given heat value
@micropython.native # noqa: F821
def pen_from_value(value):
if value < 0.15:
return palette[0]
elif value < 0.25:
return palette[1]
elif value < 0.35:
return palette[2]
elif value < 0.45:
return palette[3]
return palette[4]
@micropython.native # noqa: F821
def draw():
# clear the the rows off the bottom of the display
for x in range(width):
heat[x][height - 1] = 0.0
heat[x][height - 2] = 0.0
# add new fire spawns
for c in range(fire_spawns):
x = random.randint(0, width - 4) + 2
heat[x + 0][height - 1] = 1.0
heat[x + 1][height - 1] = 1.0
heat[x - 1][height - 1] = 1.0
heat[x + 0][height - 2] = 1.0
heat[x + 1][height - 2] = 1.0
heat[x - 1][height - 2] = 1.0
# average and damp out each value to create rising flame effect
for y in range(0, height - 2):
for x in range(1, width - 1):
# update this pixel by averaging the below pixels
average = (
heat[x][y] + heat[x][y + 1] + heat[x][y + 2] + heat[x - 1][y + 1] + heat[x + 1][y + 1]
) / 5.0
# damping factor to ensure flame tapers out towards the top of the displays
average *= damping_factor
# update the heat map with our newly averaged value
heat[x][y] = average
# render the heat values to the graphics buffer
for y in range(StellarUnicorn.HEIGHT):
for x in range(StellarUnicorn.WIDTH):
graphics.set_pen(pen_from_value(heat[x + 1][y]))
graphics.pixel(x, y)
def test():