Merge pull request #840 from MichaelBell/patch-pretty-poly-perf

Improve pretty_poly performance
Philip Howard 2023-09-11 12:03:25 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
commit c3919bd648
Nie znaleziono w bazie danych klucza dla tego podpisu
ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
8 zmienionych plików z 205 dodań i 63 usunięć

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@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ namespace alright_fonts {
void render_character(text_metrics_t &tm, uint16_t codepoint, pretty_poly::point_t<int> origin, pretty_poly::mat3_t transform) {
template<typename mat_t>
void render_character(text_metrics_t &tm, uint16_t codepoint, pretty_poly::point_t<int> origin, mat_t transform) {
if(tm.face.glyphs.count(codepoint) == 1) {
glyph_t glyph = tm.face.glyphs[codepoint];
@ -51,26 +52,35 @@ namespace alright_fonts {
unsigned scale = tm.size << 9;
std::vector<pretty_poly::contour_t<int8_t>> contours;
unsigned int total_points = 0;
for(auto i = 0u; i < glyph.contours.size(); i++) {
total_points += glyph.contours[i].count;;
point_t<int8_t> *points = (point_t<int8_t> *)malloc(sizeof(point_t<int8_t>) * total_points);
for(auto i = 0u; i < glyph.contours.size(); i++) {
unsigned int count = glyph.contours[i].count;
point_t<int8_t> *points = (point_t<int8_t> *)malloc(sizeof(point_t<int8_t>) * count);
const unsigned int count = glyph.contours[i].count;
for(auto j = 0u; j < count; j++) {
point_t<float> point(glyph.contours[i].points[j].x, glyph.contours[i].points[j].y);
point *= transform;
points[j] = point_t<int8_t>(point.x, point.y);
contours.emplace_back(points, count);
points += count;
pretty_poly::draw_polygon<int8_t>(contours, origin, scale);
for(auto contour : contours) {
template void render_character<pretty_poly::mat3_t>(text_metrics_t &tm, uint16_t codepoint, pretty_poly::point_t<int> origin, pretty_poly::mat3_t transform);
template void render_character<pretty_poly::mat2_t>(text_metrics_t &tm, uint16_t codepoint, pretty_poly::point_t<int> origin, pretty_poly::mat2_t transform);
load functions

Wyświetl plik

@ -70,5 +70,6 @@ namespace alright_fonts {
void render_character(text_metrics_t &tm, uint16_t codepoint, pretty_poly::point_t<int> origin);
void render_character(text_metrics_t &tm, uint16_t codepoint, pretty_poly::point_t<int> origin, pretty_poly::mat3_t transform);
template<typename mat_t>
void render_character(text_metrics_t &tm, uint16_t codepoint, pretty_poly::point_t<int> origin, mat_t transform);

Wyświetl plik

@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ add_library(pico_vector
target_include_directories(pico_vector INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR})
target_link_libraries(pico_vector pico_stdlib)
target_link_libraries(pico_vector pico_stdlib hardware_interp)

Wyświetl plik

@ -10,44 +10,42 @@ namespace pimoroni {
void PicoVector::rotate(std::vector<pretty_poly::contour_t<picovector_point_type>> &contours, Point origin, float angle) {
pretty_poly::mat3_t t2 = pretty_poly::mat3_t::translation(origin.x, origin.y);
pretty_poly::mat3_t t1 = pretty_poly::mat3_t::translation(-origin.x, -origin.y);
angle = 2 * M_PI * (angle / 360.0f);
pretty_poly::mat3_t r = pretty_poly::mat3_t::rotation(angle);
pretty_poly::point_t<picovector_point_type> t{(picovector_point_type)origin.x, (picovector_point_type)origin.y};
angle = (2 * (float)M_PI / 360.f) * angle;
pretty_poly::mat2_t r = pretty_poly::mat2_t::rotation(angle);
for(auto &contour : contours) {
for(auto i = 0u; i < contour.count; i++) {
contour.points[i] *= t1;
contour.points[i] -= t;
contour.points[i] *= r;
contour.points[i] *= t2;
contour.points[i] += t;
void PicoVector::translate(std::vector<pretty_poly::contour_t<picovector_point_type>> &contours, Point translation) {
pretty_poly::mat3_t t = pretty_poly::mat3_t::translation(translation.x, translation.y);
pretty_poly::point_t<picovector_point_type> t{(picovector_point_type)translation.x, (picovector_point_type)translation.y};
for(auto &contour : contours) {
for(auto i = 0u; i < contour.count; i++) {
contour.points[i] *= t;
contour.points[i] += t;
void PicoVector::rotate(pretty_poly::contour_t<picovector_point_type> &contour, Point origin, float angle) {
pretty_poly::mat3_t t2 = pretty_poly::mat3_t::translation(origin.x, origin.y);
pretty_poly::mat3_t t1 = pretty_poly::mat3_t::translation(-origin.x, -origin.y);
angle = 2 * M_PI * (angle / 360.0f);
pretty_poly::mat3_t r = pretty_poly::mat3_t::rotation(angle);
pretty_poly::point_t<picovector_point_type> t{(picovector_point_type)origin.x, (picovector_point_type)origin.y};
angle = (2 * (float)M_PI / 360.f) * angle;
pretty_poly::mat2_t r = pretty_poly::mat2_t::rotation(angle);
for(auto i = 0u; i < contour.count; i++) {
contour.points[i] *= t1;
contour.points[i] -= t;
contour.points[i] *= r;
contour.points[i] *= t2;
contour.points[i] += t;
void PicoVector::translate(pretty_poly::contour_t<picovector_point_type> &contour, Point translation) {
pretty_poly::mat3_t t = pretty_poly::mat3_t::translation(translation.x, translation.y);
pretty_poly::point_t<picovector_point_type> t{(picovector_point_type)translation.x, (picovector_point_type)translation.y};
for(auto i = 0u; i < contour.count; i++) {
contour.points[i] *= t;
contour.points[i] += t;
@ -115,8 +113,8 @@ namespace pimoroni {
pretty_poly::point_t<float> caret(0, 0);
// Prepare a transformation matrix for character and offset rotation
angle = 2 * M_PI * (angle / 360.0f);
pretty_poly::mat3_t transform = pretty_poly::mat3_t::rotation(angle);
angle = (2 * (float)M_PI / 360.f) * angle;
pretty_poly::mat2_t transform = pretty_poly::mat2_t::rotation(angle);
// Align text from the bottom left
caret.y += text_metrics.line_height;

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "pretty_poly.hpp"
#include "hardware/interp.h"
#ifdef PP_DEBUG
#define debug(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
@ -79,35 +80,63 @@ namespace pretty_poly {
std::swap(sx, ex);
/*sx <<= settings::antialias;
ex <<= settings::antialias;
sy <<= settings::antialias;
ey <<= settings::antialias;*/
// Early out if line is completely outside the tile, or has no lines
if (ey < 0 || sy >= (int)node_buffer_size || sy == ey) return;
debug(" + line segment from %d, %d to %d, %d\n", sx, sy, ex, ey);
// Determine how many in-bounds lines to render
int y = std::max(0, sy);
int count = std::min((int)node_buffer_size, ey) - y;
// Handle cases where x is completely off to one side or other
if (std::max(sx, ex) <= 0) {
while (count--) {
nodes[y][node_counts[y]++] = 0;
const int full_tile_width = (tile_bounds.w << settings::antialias);
if (std::min(sx, ex) >= full_tile_width) {
while (count--) {
nodes[y][node_counts[y]++] = full_tile_width;
// Normal case
int x = sx;
int y = sy;
int e = 0;
int xinc = sign(ex - sx);
int einc = abs(ex - sx) + 1;
const int xinc = sign(ex - sx);
const int einc = abs(ex - sx) + 1;
const int dy = ey - sy;
// If sy < 0 jump to the start, note this does use a divide
// but potentially saves many wasted loops below, so is likely worth it.
if (sy < 0) {
e = einc * -sy;
int xjump = e / dy;
e -= dy * xjump;
x += xinc * xjump;
interp1->base[1] = full_tile_width;
interp1->accum[0] = x;
// todo: preclamp sy and ey (and therefore count) no need to perform
// that test inside the loop
int dy = ey - sy;
int count = dy;
debug(" + line segment from %d, %d to %d, %d\n", sx, sy, ex, ey);
// loop over scanlines
while(count--) {
// consume accumulated error
while(e > dy) {e -= dy; x += xinc;}
while(e > dy) {e -= dy; interp1->add_raw[0] = xinc;}
if(y >= 0 && y < (int)node_buffer_size) {
// clamp node x value to tile bounds
int nx = std::max(std::min(x, (int)(tile_bounds.w << settings::antialias)), 0);
const int nx = interp1->peek[0];
debug(" + adding node at %d, %d\n", x, y);
// add node to node list
nodes[y][node_counts[y]++] = nx;
// step to next scanline and accumulate error
@ -138,14 +167,23 @@ namespace pretty_poly {
void render_nodes(const tile_t &tile) {
void render_nodes(const tile_t &tile, rect_t &bounds) {
int maxy = -1;
bounds.y = 0;
bounds.x = tile.bounds.w;
int maxx = 0;
int anitialias_mask = (1 << settings::antialias) - 1;
for(auto y = 0; y < (int)node_buffer_size; y++) {
if(node_counts[y] == 0) {
if (y == bounds.y) ++bounds.y;
std::sort(&nodes[y][0], &nodes[y][0] + node_counts[y]);
uint8_t* row_data = &[(y >> settings::antialias) * tile.stride];
bool rendered_any = false;
for(auto i = 0u; i < node_counts[y]; i += 2) {
int sx = nodes[y][i + 0];
int ex = nodes[y][i + 1];
@ -154,13 +192,55 @@ namespace pretty_poly {
rendered_any = true;
maxx = std::max((ex - 1) >> settings::antialias, maxx);
debug(" - render span at %d from %d to %d\n", y, sx, ex);
if (settings::antialias) {
int ax = sx >> settings::antialias;
const int aex = ex >> settings::antialias;
bounds.x = std::min(ax, bounds.x);
if (ax == aex) {
row_data[ax] += ex - sx;
row_data[ax] += (1 << settings::antialias) - (sx & anitialias_mask);
for(ax++; ax < aex; ax++) {
row_data[ax] += (1 << settings::antialias);
// This might add 0 to the byte after the end of the row, we pad the tile data
// by 1 byte to ensure that is OK
row_data[ax] += ex & anitialias_mask;
else {
bounds.x = std::min(sx, bounds.x);
for(int x = sx; x < ex; x++) {[(x >> settings::antialias) + (y >> settings::antialias) * tile.stride]++;
if (rendered_any) {
debug(" - rendered line %d\n", y);
maxy = y;
else if (y == bounds.y) {
debug(" - render nothing on line %d\n", y);
bounds.y >>= settings::antialias;
maxy >>= settings::antialias;
bounds.w = (maxx >= bounds.x) ? maxx + 1 - bounds.x : 0;
bounds.h = (maxy >= bounds.y) ? maxy + 1 - bounds.y : 0;
debug(" - rendered tile bounds %d, %d (%d x %d)\n", bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.w, bounds.h);
template<typename T>
@ -172,7 +252,7 @@ namespace pretty_poly {
template<typename T>
void draw_polygon(std::vector<contour_t<T>> contours, point_t<int> origin, int scale) {
void draw_polygon(const std::vector<contour_t<T>>& contours, point_t<int> origin, int scale) {
debug("> draw polygon with %lu contours\n", contours.size());
@ -194,8 +274,16 @@ namespace pretty_poly {
debug(" - bounds %d, %d (%d x %d)\n", polygon_bounds.x, polygon_bounds.y, polygon_bounds.w, polygon_bounds.h);
debug(" - clip %d, %d (%d x %d)\n", settings::clip.x, settings::clip.y, settings::clip.w, settings::clip.h);
interp_hw_save_t interp1_save;
interp_save(interp1, &interp1_save);
memset(nodes, 0, node_buffer_size * sizeof(unsigned) * 32);
interp_config cfg = interp_default_config();
interp_config_set_clamp(&cfg, true);
interp_config_set_signed(&cfg, true);
interp_set_config(interp1, 0, &cfg);
interp1->base[0] = 0;
//memset(nodes, 0, node_buffer_size * sizeof(unsigned) * 32);
// iterate over tiles
debug(" - processing tiles\n");
@ -218,22 +306,34 @@ namespace pretty_poly {
memset(, 0, tile_buffer_size);
// build the nodes for each contour
for(contour_t<T> &contour : contours) {
for(const contour_t<T> &contour : contours) {
debug(" : build nodes for contour\n");
build_nodes(contour, tile, origin, scale);
debug(" : render the tile\n");
// render the tile
rect_t bounds;
render_nodes(tile, bounds);
if (bounds.empty()) {
} += bounds.x + tile.stride * bounds.y;
tile.bounds.x += bounds.x;
tile.bounds.y += bounds.y;
tile.bounds.w = bounds.w;
tile.bounds.h = bounds.h;
interp_restore(interp1, &interp1_save);
template void pretty_poly::draw_polygon<int>(std::vector<contour_t<int>> contours, point_t<int> origin, int scale);
template void pretty_poly::draw_polygon<float>(std::vector<contour_t<float>> contours, point_t<int> origin, int scale);
template void pretty_poly::draw_polygon<uint8_t>(std::vector<contour_t<uint8_t>> contours, point_t<int> origin, int scale);
template void pretty_poly::draw_polygon<int8_t>(std::vector<contour_t<int8_t>> contours, point_t<int> origin, int scale);
template void pretty_poly::draw_polygon<int>(const std::vector<contour_t<int>>& contours, point_t<int> origin, int scale);
template void pretty_poly::draw_polygon<float>(const std::vector<contour_t<float>>& contours, point_t<int> origin, int scale);
template void pretty_poly::draw_polygon<uint8_t>(const std::vector<contour_t<uint8_t>>& contours, point_t<int> origin, int scale);
template void pretty_poly::draw_polygon<int8_t>(const std::vector<contour_t<int8_t>>& contours, point_t<int> origin, int scale);

Wyświetl plik

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <new>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include "pretty_poly_types.hpp"
@ -62,11 +63,11 @@ namespace pretty_poly {
template<typename T>
void build_nodes(const contour_t<T> &contour, const tile_t &tile, point_t<int> origin = point_t<int>(0, 0), int scale = 65536);
void render_nodes(const tile_t &tile);
void render_nodes(const tile_t &tile, rect_t &bounds);
template<typename T>
void draw_polygon(T *points, unsigned count);
template<typename T>
void draw_polygon(std::vector<contour_t<T>> contours, point_t<int> origin = point_t<int>(0, 0), int scale = 65536);
void draw_polygon(const std::vector<contour_t<T>>& contours, point_t<int> origin = point_t<int>(0, 0), int scale = 65536);

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#ifdef PP_DEBUG
#define debug(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
@ -43,6 +44,29 @@ namespace pretty_poly {
mat3_t r = mat3_t::identity(); r.v00 = x; r.v11 = y; return r;}
// 2x2 matrix for rotations and scales
struct mat2_t {
float v00 = 0.0f, v10 = 0.0f, v01 = 0.0f, v11 = 0.0f;
mat2_t() = default;
mat2_t(const mat2_t &m) = default;
inline mat2_t& operator*= (const mat2_t &m) {
float r00 = this->v00 * m.v00 + this->v01 * m.v10;
float r01 = this->v00 * m.v01 + this->v01 * m.v11;
float r10 = this->v10 * m.v00 + this->v11 * m.v10;
float r11 = this->v10 * m.v01 + this->v11 * m.v11;
this->v00 = r00; this->v01 = r01;
this->v10 = r10; this->v11 = r11;
return *this;
static mat2_t identity() {mat2_t m; m.v00 = m.v11 = 1.0f; return m;}
static mat2_t rotation(float a) {
float c = cosf(a), s = sinf(a); mat2_t r;
r.v00 = c; r.v01 = -s; r.v10 = s; r.v11 = c; return r;}
static mat2_t scale(float x, float y) {
mat2_t r; r.v00 = x; r.v11 = y; return r;}
// point type for contour points
template<typename T = int>
struct __attribute__ ((packed)) point_t {
@ -52,6 +76,7 @@ namespace pretty_poly {
inline point_t& operator-= (const point_t &a) {x -= a.x; y -= a.y; return *this;}
inline point_t& operator+= (const point_t &a) {x += a.x; y += a.y; return *this;}
inline point_t& operator*= (const float a) {x *= a; y *= a; return *this;}
inline point_t& operator*= (const mat2_t &a) {this->transform(a); return *this;}
inline point_t& operator*= (const mat3_t &a) {this->transform(a); return *this;}
inline point_t& operator/= (const float a) {x /= a; y /= a; return *this;}
inline point_t& operator/= (const point_t &a) {x /= a.x; y /= a.y; return *this;}
@ -60,6 +85,11 @@ namespace pretty_poly {
this->x = (m.v00 * tx + m.v01 * ty + m.v02);
this->y = (m.v10 * tx + m.v11 * ty + m.v12);
void transform(const mat2_t &m) {
float tx = x, ty = y;
this->x = (m.v00 * tx + m.v01 * ty);
this->y = (m.v10 * tx + m.v11 * ty);
@ -78,7 +108,7 @@ namespace pretty_poly {
int x, y, w, h;
rect_t() : x(0), y(0), w(0), h(0) {}
rect_t(int x, int y, int w, int h) : x(x), y(y), w(w), h(h) {}
bool empty() const {return this->w == 0 && this->h == 0;}
bool empty() const {return this->w == 0 || this->h == 0;}
rect_t intersection(const rect_t &c) {
return rect_t(std::max(this->x, c.x), std::max(this->y, c.y),
std::max(0, std::min(this->x + this->w, c.x + c.w) - std::max(this->x, c.x)),
@ -109,14 +139,14 @@ namespace pretty_poly {
unsigned count;
contour_t() {}
contour_t(std::vector<point_t<T>> v) : points(, count(v.size()) {};
contour_t(const std::vector<point_t<T>>& v) : points(, count(v.size()) {};
contour_t(point_t<T> *points, unsigned count) : points(points), count(count) {};
// TODO: Make this work, it's so much nicer to use auto point : contour
//point_t<T> *begin() const { return points; };
//point_t<T> *end() const { return points + count * sizeof(point_t<T>); };
rect_t bounds() {
rect_t bounds() const {
T minx = this->points[0].x, maxx = minx;
T miny = this->points[0].y, maxy = miny;
for(auto i = 1u; i < this->count; i++) {

Wyświetl plik

@ -18,4 +18,6 @@ target_compile_definitions(usermod_picovector INTERFACE
target_link_libraries(usermod_picovector INTERFACE hardware_interp)
target_link_libraries(usermod INTERFACE usermod_picovector)