Merge pull request #273 from andypiper/patch-2

Trivial: fix width (298->296px) typos
Philip Howard 2022-03-09 11:03:58 +00:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
commit 241504b4ad
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@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ screen.update()
We've supplied a script - `` - which will help you get your images converted.
Ideally you should pick something already 298x128 pixels or smaller, and in monochrome, but it will dither and convert images for you.
Ideally you should pick something already 296x128 pixels or smaller, and in monochrome, but it will dither and convert images for you.
Find it in [examples/badger2040/image_converter](examples/badger2040/image_converter).
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ In all cases your images should be a multiple of 8 pixels wide.
data, # bytearray: raw image data 1bpp
w=298, # int: width in pixels
w=296, # int: width in pixels
h=128, # int: height in pixels
x=0, # int: destination x
y=0, # int: destination y