
80 wiersze
2.5 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

.program galactic_unicorn
.side_set 1 opt
; out pins:
2022-07-25 10:24:00 +00:00
; - 3: row select bit 0
; - 4: row select bit 1
; - 5: row select bit 2
; - 6: row select bit 3
; set pins:
; - 0: column data (base)
; - 1: column latch
; - 2: column blank
; sideset pin:
; - 0: column clock
; for each row:
; for each bcd frame:
; 0: 00110110 // row pixel count (minus one)
; 1 - 53: xxxxxbgr, xxxxxbgr, xxxxxbgr, ... // pixel data
; 54 - 55: xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx // dummy bytes to dword align
; 56: xxxxrrrr // row select bits
; 57 - 59: tttttttt, tttttttt, tttttttt, // bcd tick count (0-65536)
; .. and back to the start
2022-07-25 10:24:00 +00:00
; loop over row pixels
out y, 8 ; get row pixel count (minus 1 because test is pre decrement)
2022-07-25 10:24:00 +00:00
; red bit
out x, 1 side 0 [1] ; pull in blue bit from OSR into register x, clear clock
set pins, 0b100 ; clear data bit, blank high
jmp !x endb ; if bit was zero jump
set pins, 0b101 ; set data bit, blank high
nop side 1 [2] ; clock in bit
; green bit
out x, 1 side 0 [1] ; pull in green bit from OSR into register X, clear clock
set pins, 0b100 ; clear data bit, blank high
jmp !x endg ; if bit was zero jump
set pins, 0b101 ; set data bit, blank high
nop side 1 [2] ; clock in bit
; blue bit
out x, 1 side 0 [1] ; pull in red bit from OSR into register X, clear clock
set pins, 0b100 ; clear data bit, blank high
jmp !x endr ; if bit was zero jump
set pins, 0b101 ; set data bit, blank high
out null, 5 side 1 [2] ; clock in bit
;out null, 5 side 0 ; discard the five dummy bits for this pixel
jmp y-- pixels
out null, 16 ; discard dummy bytes
out pins, 8 ; output row select
set pins, 0b110 [5] ; latch high, blank high
set pins, 0b000 ; blank low (enable output)
; loop over bcd delay period
out y, 24 ; get bcd delay counter value
jmp y-- bcd_delay
set pins 0b100 ; blank high (disable output)