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# Installation
## TL;DR:
To install it on your server, `ssh` in as `root` and run this:
curl https://piku.github.io/get | sh
## Installation Methods
`piku` requires `Python 3`, [uWSGI][uwsgi], `ssh`, and a Linux distribution that runs `systemd`, such as Raspbian Jessie/Debian 8+/Ubuntu/Fedora/CentOS.
There are 3 main ways to install `piku` on a server:
1. Use [piku-bootstrap](https://github.com/piku/piku-bootstrap) to do it if your server is already provisioned (that is what the TL;DR command does)
2. Use `cloud-init` to do it automatically at VPS build time (see the [`cloud-init`](https://github.com/piku/cloud-init) repository, which has examples for most common cloud providers)
3. Manually: Follow the guide below or one of the platform-specfic guides.
There is also an [Ansible playbook](https://github.com/piku/ansible-setup).
!!! Contributing
If you are running `piku` on specific Linux versions, feel free to contribute your own instructions.
## Generic Installation Steps
### Set up the `piku` user
`piku` requires a separate user account to run. To create a new user with the right group membership (we're using the built-in `www-data` group because it's generally thought of as a less-privileged group), enter the following command:
# pick a username
export PAAS_USERNAME=piku
# create it
sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos 'PaaS access' --ingroup www-data $PAAS_USERNAME
# copy & setup piku.py
sudo su - $PAAS_USERNAME -c "wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/piku/piku/master/piku.py && python3 ~/piku.py setup"
The `setup` output should be something like this:
Creating '/home/piku/.piku/apps'.
Creating '/home/piku/.piku/repos'.
Creating '/home/piku/.piku/envs'.
Creating '/home/piku/.piku/uwsgi'.
Creating '/home/piku/.piku/uwsgi-available'.
Creating '/home/piku/.piku/uwsgi-enabled'.
Creating '/home/piku/.piku/logs'.
Setting '/home/piku/piku.py' as executable.
### Set up `ssh` access
If you don't have an `ssh` public key (or never used one before), you need to create one. The following instructions assume you're running some form of UNIX on your own machine (Windows users should check the documentation for their `ssh` client, unless you have [Cygwin][cygwin] installed).
**On your own machine**, issue the `ssh-keygen` command and follow the prompts:
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/youruser/.ssh/id_rsa):
Created directory '/home/youruser/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/youruser/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/youruser/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
85:29:07:cb:de:ad:be:ef:42:65:00:c8:d2:6b:9e:ff youruser@yourlaptop.lan
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
Copy the resulting `id_rsa.pub` (or equivalent, just make sure it's the _public_ file) to your `piku` server and do the following:
sudo su - piku
python3 piku.py setup:ssh /tmp/id_rsa.pub
Adding key '85:29:07:cb:de:ad:be:ef:42:65:00:c8:d2:6b:9e:ff'.
Now if you look at `.ssh/authorized_keys`, you should see something like this:
sudo su - piku
cat .ssh/authorized_keys
command="FINGERPRINT=85:29:07:cb:de:ad:be:ef:42:65:00:c8:d2:6b:9e:ff NAME=default /home/piku/piku.py $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND",no-agent-forwarding,no-user-rc,no-X11-forwarding,no-port-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDhTYZi/qeJBKgU3naI8FNjQgeMYnMsEtqrOmUc4lJoPNH2qBUTNkzwThGqsBm2HNLPURWMiEifBqF+kRixMud67Co7Zs9ys7pwFXkJB9bbZasd2JCGfVZ4UYXHnvgejSWkLAV/4bObhsbP2vWOmbbm91Cwn+PGJgoiW08yrd45lsDmgv9cUAJS3e8LkgVELvIDg49yM5ArB88oxwMEoUgWU2OniHmH0o1zw5I8WXHRhHOjb8cGsdTYfXEizRKKRTM2Mu6dKRt1GNL0UbWi8iS3uJHGD3AcQ4ApdMl5X0gTixKHponStOrSMy19/ltuIy8Sjr7KKPxz07ikMYr7Vpcp youruser@yourlaptop.lan
This line is what enables you to `ssh` (and perform `git` over `ssh` operations) to the `piku` user without a password, verifying your identity via your public key, restricting what can be done remotely and passing on to `piku` itself the commands you'll be issuing.
### Test
From your machine, do:
ssh piku@pi.lan
Usage: piku.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
The smallest PaaS you've ever seen
--help Show this message and exit.
apps List applications
config Show application configuration
config:get Retrieve a configuration setting
config:live Show live configuration settings
config:set Set a configuration setting
deploy Deploy an application
destroy Destroy an application
disable Disable an application
enable Enable an application
logs Tail an application log
ps Show application worker count
ps:scale Show application configuration
restart Restart an application
setup Initialize paths
setup:ssh Set up a new SSH key
Connection to pi.lan closed.
[uwsgi]: https://github.com/unbit/uwsgi
[cygwin]: http://www.cygwin.com