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Q: Why piku?

A: Partly because it's supposed to run on a Pi, because it's Japanese onomatopeia for 'twitch' or 'jolt', and because I know the name will annoy some of my friends.

Q: Why Python/why not Go?

A: I actually thought about doing this in Go right off the bat, but click is so cool and I needed to have uWSGI running anyway, so I caved in. But I'm very likely to take something like suture and port this across, doing away with uWSGI altogether.

Go also (at the time) did not have a way to vendor dependencies that I was comfortable with, and that is also why Go support fell behind. Hopefully that will change soon.

Q: Does it run under Python 3?

A: Right now, it only runs on Python 3, even though it can deploy apps written in both major versions. It began its development using 2.7 and usingclick for abstracting the simpler stuff, and I eventually switched over to 3.5 once it was supported in Debian Stretch and Raspbian since I wanted to make installing it on the Raspberry Pi as simple as possible.

Q: Why not just use dokku?

A: I used dokku daily for most of my personal stuff for a good while. But it relied on a number of x64 containers that needed to be completely rebuilt for ARM, and when I decided I needed something like this (March 2016) that was barely possible - docker itself was not fully baked for ARM yet, and people were at the time trying to get herokuish and buildstep to build on ARM.