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# Setting up a Raspberry Pi Piku Server from Scratch
### These instructions are correct as of April 1st 2016
Start by flashing a SD card with [the latest Raspbian Jessie Lite image](https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/).
# Do this in your Raspberry Pi as 'pi' user
Boot it, launch *raspi-config* to perform (at least) the following configuration:
# as 'pi' user
sudo raspi-config
* 1) expand filesystem
* 2) change default user password
* 3) set up memory split as you wish (for a headless server, 16MB for GPU)
* 4) set up over-clocking.
# Secure your install
Delete the existing SSH keys and recreate them (why? [read this](https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=126892)).
# as 'pi' user
sudo rm -v /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
sudo dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
sudo reboot
This will recreate the server keys. Next, update your system:
# as 'pi' user
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
# Install required packages
As of April 2016, the shipping versions with Raspbian are recent enough to run `piku`:
# as 'pi' user
sudo apt install -y python-virtualenv python-pip git uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python incron nginx
sudo pip install -U click
sudo reboot
# Meanwhile, go get the goodies while Raspberry Pi is rebooting
(We assume you know about ssh keys and have one "at hand", you'll need to copy it)
Clone the [piku repo](https://github.com/rcarmo/piku) somewhere and copy files to your Raspberry Pi
# as yourself in your desktop/laptop computer
scp piku.py uwsgi-piku.service nginx.default.dist incron.dist pi@your_machine:/tmp
scp your_public_ssh_key.pub pi@your_machine:/tmp
# Back to the Pi
Prepare uWSGI (part one):
# as 'pi' user
sudo ln -s `which uwsgi` /usr/local/bin/uwsgi-piku
sudo systemctl disable uwsgi
sudo cp /tmp/uwsgi-piku.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable uwsgi-piku
Prepare nginx:
sudo apt-get install nginx incron
# Set up nginx to pick up our config files
sudo cp /tmp/nginx.default.dist /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
# Set up incron to reload nginx upon config changes
sudo cp /tmp/incron.dist /etc/incron.d/piku
sudo systemctl restart incron
sudo systemctl restart nginx
Create 'piku' user and set it up
# as 'pi' user
sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos 'PaaS access' --ingroup www-data piku
sudo su - piku
# this is now done as 'piku' user
mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
cp /tmp/piku.py ~/piku.py
python piku.py setup
python piku.py setup:ssh /tmp/id_rsa.pub
# return to 'pi' user
Prepare uWSGI (part two):
# as 'pi' user
sudo systemctl start uwsgi-piku
sudo systemctl status uwsgi-piku.service
# If you're still here, odds are your Pi is ready for work
Go back to your machine and try these commands:
# as yourself in your desktop/laptop computer
ssh piku@your_machine
Usage: piku.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
The smallest PaaS you've ever seen
--help Show this message and exit.
apps List applications
config Show application configuration
config:get Retrieve a configuration setting
config:live Show live configuration settings
config:set Set a configuration setting
deploy Deploy an application
destroy Destroy an application
disable Disable an application
enable Enable an application
git-hook INTERNAL: Post-receive git hook
git-receive-pack INTERNAL: Handle git pushes for an app
logs Tail an application log
ps Show application worker count
ps:scale Show application configuration
restart Restart an application
setup Initialize paths
setup:ssh Set up a new SSH key
Connection to your_machine closed.
If you find any bugs with this quickstart guide, please let [Luis Correia](http://twitter.com/luisfcorreia) know ;)