
972 B

This is a 320x240x30 movie player that runs at a 48Mhz system clock (it was developed on FPGA which ran at that frequency).

The compression format is not surprisingly not crazily advanced, so movie files are large!

Sample Movie

Here is "Big Buck Bunny": https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q3szTVccPZ08v_TMDxy9ZgqeOOXXwHCX/view?usp=sharing which is 1.6GB

Using a movie

These are raw disk images without a filesystem. These instructions assume a certain level of knowledge Please feel free to submit PRs to improve them!

Single Movie

A single movie can just be burned as the entirety of the SD card (via dd on unix). Note this will overwrite everything on the card.

One or More Movies

You can format the card with a GPT and then image movies onto the partitions (the partitions must obviously be big enough). The partition name from the GPT is used as the title for the movie.


TODO - will upload a converter and instructions soon.