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Create your own vector tiles

We use Docker extensively for development and deployment. The easiest way to get started is using Docker Compose.

Clone the osm2vectortiles project.

git clone https://github.com/osm2vectortiles/osm2vectortiles.git

Start up your PostGIS container with the data container attached.

docker-compose up -d postgis

Download a PBF and put it into the local import directory. You can use extracts from Mapzen or Geofabrik

wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/metro-extracts.mapzen.com/zurich_switzerland.osm.pbf

Now you need to import the PBF files into PostGIS.

docker-compose up import-osm

Now you need to import several external data sources. Import water polygons from OpenStreetMapData.com.

docker-compose up import-water

Import Natural Earth data for lower zoom levels.

docker-compose up import-natural-earth

Import custom country, sea and state labels.

docker-compose up import-labels

Now import custom SQL functions used in the source project.

docker-compose up import-sql

Update the scaleranks of OSM places with data from Natural Earth.

docker-compose up update-scaleranks

Export the data as MBTiles file to the export directory.

docker-compose up export

Serve the tiles as raster tiles from export directory.

docker-compose up serve

The tile server will no be visible on the docker host on port 8080. You can now see extract rendered as Open Streets v1.0 and if you have style projects in your directory the rendered raster map as well.

Tessera Overview

Docker Images

The workflow consists of several prebuilt Docker images.

Image Size
klokantech/tileserver-mapnik ImageLayers Size
osm2vectortiles/export ImageLayers Size
osm2vectortiles/import-external ImageLayers Size
osm2vectortiles/import-sql ImageLayers Size
osm2vectortiles/import-osm ImageLayers Size
osm2vectortiles/update-scaleranks ImageLayers Size
osm2vectortiles/postgis ImageLayers Size
osm2vectortiles/pgbouncer ImageLayers Size