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OSM Import into PostGIS

Infrastructure to create a docker based OSM Postgis database to create vector tiles from.

The database is separated from the import process. You can switch out the database container with a existing database.


Run the PostGIS container

Mount the folder where the database data should be stored in and start the database container.

On first startup the container will automatically create a OSM database from the modified PostGIS template containing the additional hstore extension and the postgis-vt-util functions from Mapbox.

docker run --name postgis \
    -v /data/pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
    -d osm2vectortiles/postgis

Customize OSM database

You can configure the database settings via environment variables.

Env Default Description
OSM_DB osm Database name
OSM_USER osm Database owner
OSM_PASSWORD osm Database owner password

More configuration options are supported through the official Postgres Docker image and the mdillon/postgis image.

Env Default Description
POSTGRES_USER postgres Database admin
POSTGRES_PASSWORD no password Database admin password
PGDATA /var/lib/postgresql/data Location of database files

Run the Imposm Import

Download OSM areas from Geofabrik or Mapzen.

Example of downloading a Metro extract of Zurich Switzerland.

wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/metro-extracts.mapzen.com/zurich_switzerland.osm.pbf

Mount the import data directory containing the PBF files to import and the imposm cache directory to speed up multiple runs.

You also need to link our previously created postgis database container as db. The container will use a custom mapping.json to import the data into the db database container.

docker run --rm --name imposm \
    -v /data/import:/data/import \
    -v /data/cache:/data/cache \
    --link postgis:db \

This will take a long time depending on the data you want to import.

Customize Import

You can configure the database settings where the data should be imported as well as imposm settings.

Env Default Description
OSM_DB osm Database name
OSM_USER osm Database owner
OSM_PASSWORD osm Database owner password
IMPORT_DATA_DIR /data/import PBF import directory
IMPOSM_CACHE_DIR /data/cache Imposm cache directory
IMPOSM_BIN /usr/src/app/imposm3 Imposm executable path
MAPPING_JSON /usr/src/app/mapping.json Imposm mapping config

Run the Water Polygon Import

Download OSM water polygon data from OpenStreetMapData (Mercator Version).

wget http://data.openstreetmapdata.com/water-polygons-split-3857.zip

Mount the import data directory containing the SHP files to import.

You also need to link our previously created postgis database container as db.

docker run --rm --name importwater \
    -v $(pwd)/import:/data/import \
    --link postgis:db \

Develop tm2source Projects with Mapbox Container

To develop our tm2source projects you can use Mapbox in a Docker container on a more powerful server or simply to ensure you develop in the same environment. To access the container from outside you should expose port 3000.

You should map the directory where you keep your tm2source projects to /data/projects and open it in Mapbox Studio.

docker run --rm --name mapbox \
    -v /data/projects:/data/projects \
    -p 3000:3000 \
    --link postgis:db \

Configuring the PostGIS hostname and port in tm2source layers is difficult without inspecting the linked container. Therefore the easiest way is to expose the port 5432 on the PostGIS container and connect to it directly.

Export Tiles

docker run --rm \
	-v /data/export3:/data/export
	-v /home/core/kartotherian/osm-bright.tm2source:/project \
	-e MIN_ZOOM=0 \
	-e MAX_ZOOM=12 \
	-e BBOX="5.6470 45.6601 10.7886 48.0487" \
	--name export \
	--link postgis:db \