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# ogn-python
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A python module for the [Open Glider Network](http://wiki.glidernet.org/).
The submodule 'ogn.gateway' is an aprs client which could be invoked via a CLI
or used by other python projects.
The CLI allows to save all received beacons into a database with [SQLAlchemy](http://www.sqlalchemy.org/).
The [sqlite](https://www.sqlite.org/)-backend is sufficient for simple testing,
but some tasks (e.g. logbook generation) require a proper backend like [postgresql](http://www.postgresql.org/).
An external python project would instantiate ogn.gateway and register a custom callback,
called each time a beacon is received.
## Usage - python module
Implement your own gateway by using ogn.gateway with a custom callback function.
Each time a beacon is received, this function gets called and
lets you process the incoming data.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from ogn.model import AircraftBeacon, ReceiverBeacon
from ogn.gateway.client import ognGateway
def process_beacon(beacon):
if type(beacon) is AircraftBeacon:
print('Received aircraft beacon from {}'.format(beacon.name))
elif type(beacon) is ReceiverBeacon:
print('Received receiver beacon from {}'.format(beacon.name))
if __name__ == '__main__':
gateway = ognGateway(aprs_user='N0CALL')
gateway.run(callback=process_beacon, autoreconnect=True)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('\nStop ogn gateway')
## Usage - CLI
### Installation and Setup
1. Checkout the repository
git clone https://github.com/glidernet/ogn-python.git
2. Install python requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
3. Install redis for asynchronous tasks (like takeoff/landing-detection)
apt-get install redis-server
4. Create database
./manage.py db.init
### Running the aprs client and task server
To schedule tasks like takeoff/landing-detection (`logbook.compute`),
[Celery](http://www.celeryproject.org/) with [Redis](http://www.redis.io/) is used.
The following scripts run in the foreground and should be deamonized
(eg. use [supervisord](http://supervisord.org/)).
- Start the aprs client
./manage.py gateway.run
- Start a task server (make sure redis is up and running)
celery -A ogn.collect worker -l info
- Start the task scheduler (make sure a task server is up and running)
celery -A ogn.collect beat -l info
To load a custom configuration, create a file `myconfig.py` (see [config/default.py](config/default.py))
and set the environment variable `OGN_CONFIG_MODULE` accordingly.
touch myconfig.py
export OGN_CONFIG_MODULE="myconfig"
./manage.py gateway.run
### manage.py - CLI options
usage: manage.py [<namespace>.]<command> [<args>]
positional arguments:
command the command to run
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
available commands:
drop Drop all tables.
import_ddb Import registered devices from the DDB.
import_file Import registered devices from a local file.
init Initialize the database.
upgrade Upgrade database to the latest version.
run Run the aprs client.
compute Compute takeoffs and landings.
show Show a logbook for <airport_name> located at given position.
stats Show some stats on registered devices.
hardware_stats Show some statistics of receiver hardware.
list_all Show a list of all receivers.
software_stats Show some statistics of receiver software.
Only the command `logbook.compute` requires a running task server (celery) at the moment.
### Available tasks
- `ogn.collect.database.import_ddb` - Import registered devices from the ddb
- `ogn.collect.database.import_file` - Import registered devices from a local file
- `ogn.collect.heatmap.update_beacon_receiver_distance_all` - Calculate the distance between aircraft and receiver for the last aircraft beacons
- `ogn.collect.receiver.update_receivers` - Populate/update receiver table (requires postgresql-backend)
- `ogn.collect.logbook.compute_takeoff_and_landing` - Generate TakeoffLanding table (requires postgresql-backend)
If the task server is up and running, tasks could be started manually.
>>>from ogn.collect.database import import_ddb
## License
Licensed under the [AGPLv3](LICENSE).