Christian OE3CJB Bauer 2020-07-29 13:30:40 +02:00
rodzic 3ade76d6fe
commit d3b3a368a8
2 zmienionych plików z 11 dodań i 10 usunięć

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@ -1079,9 +1079,9 @@ void setup_data(void) {
char werte_call[37] = {' ','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0'};
String werte_SSID[16] = {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15"};
char werte_latlon[14] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','N','S','E','W'};
String werte_TxSymbol_text[5] = {"WX Station"," Car"," Person"," Bicycle","Motorcycle"};
String werte_TxSymbol_symbol[5] = {"_",">","[","b","<"};
String werte_weiter_symbol[5] = {"yes","no"};
String werte_TxSymbol_text[6] = {"WX Station"," Car"," Person"," Bicycle","Motorcycle"," RV"};
String werte_TxSymbol_symbol[6] = {"_",">","[","b","<","R"};
String werte_weiter_symbol[2] = {"yes","no"};
int8_t pos_in_string;
int8_t pos_ssid;
bool key_pressed = false;
@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@ void setup_data(void) {
if (pos_ssid>=5) {pos_ssid=0;}
if (pos_ssid>=6) {pos_ssid=0;}
// smartDelay(500);

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@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
// first released version
// SET HW version
// #define T_BEAM_V1_0 // use this for newer Boards AKA Rev1 (second board release)
#define T_BEAM_V0_7 // use this for older Boards AKA Rev0.x (first board release)
#define T_BEAM_V1_0 // use this for newer Boards AKA Rev1 (second board release)
// #define T_BEAM_V0_7 // use this for older Boards AKA Rev0.x (first board release)
// SET temperature sensor type
// #define DS18B20 // use this if you use DS18B20, default ist DHT22
@ -33,17 +33,18 @@
// IF NOT CHANGED you have to go through the configuration routine at first boot up of the TTGO T-Beam
// #define DONT_USE_FLASH_MEMORY // uncomment if you don't want to use Flashmemory - instead data below must be corrected
#define CALLSIGN "OE1XYZ-0" // enter your callsign here - less then 6 letter callsigns please add "spaces" so total length is 6 (without SSID)
#define WX_CALLSIGN "OE1XYZ-0" // use same callsign but you can use different SSID
#define DONT_USE_FLASH_MEMORY // uncomment if you don't want to use Flashmemory - instead data below must be corrected
#define CALLSIGN "OE3CJB-14" // enter your callsign here - less then 6 letter callsigns please add "spaces" so total length is 6 (without SSID)
#define WX_CALLSIGN "OE3CJB-14" // use same callsign but you can use different SSID
#define LONGITUDE_PRESET "01539.85E" // please in APRS notation DDDMM.mmE or DDDMM.mmW
#define LATIDUDE_PRESET "4813.62N" // please in APRS notation DDMM.mmN or DDMM.mmS
#define APRS_SYMBOL ">" // other symbols are
#define APRS_SYMBOL "R" // other symbols are
// "_" => Weather Station
// ">" => CAR
// "[" => RUNNER
// "b" => BICYCLE
// "<" => MOTORCYCLE
// "R" => Recreation Vehicle
unsigned long max_time_to_nextTX = 180000L; // set here MAXIMUM time in ms(!) for smart beaconing - minimum time is always 1 min = 60 secs = 60000L !!!