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// Tracker for LoRA APRS Header for configuration
// TTGO T-Beam includes GPS module + optional DHT22 (not yet DONE)
// can be used as tracker only, tracker plus weather reports (temperature and humidity) or weather reports station only
// updated from OE1ACM sketch by OE3CJB to enable WX data to be sent via LoRa APRS.
// one package is with position and battery voltage
// the next is with weather data in APRS format
// licensed under CC BY-NC-SA
// version: V1.1beta
// last update: 22.11.2019
// change history
// version V1.0
// added HW Version V1.0 support
// added presetting in the header TTGO...config.h to prevent long initial setup at first boot up
// added "SPACE" to allowed letters for callsign for shorter callsigns - has to be added at the end
// added smart beaconing
// version V1.2
// first released version
// SET HW version
#define T_BEAM_V1_0 // use this for newer Boards AKA Rev1 (second board release)
// #define T_BEAM_V0_7 // use this for older Boards AKA Rev0.x (first board release)
// SET temperature sensor type
// #define DS18B20 // use this if you use DS18B20, default ist DHT22
// IF NOT CHANGED you have to go through the configuration routine at first boot up of the TTGO T-Beam
#define DONT_USE_FLASH_MEMORY // uncomment if you don't want to use Flashmemory - instead data below must be corrected
#define CALLSIGN "OE3CJB-14" // enter your callsign here - less then 6 letter callsigns please add "spaces" so total length is 6 (without SSID)
#define WX_CALLSIGN "OE3CJB-14" // use same callsign but you can use different SSID
#define LONGITUDE_PRESET "01539.85E" // please in APRS notation DDDMM.mmE or DDDMM.mmW
#define LATIDUDE_PRESET "4813.62N" // please in APRS notation DDMM.mmN or DDMM.mmS
#define APRS_SYMBOL "R" // other symbols are
// "_" => Weather Station
// ">" => CAR
// "[" => RUNNER
// "b" => BICYCLE
// "<" => MOTORCYCLE
// "R" => Recreation Vehicle
unsigned long max_time_to_nextTX = 180000L; // set here MAXIMUM time in ms(!) for smart beaconing - minimum time is always 1 min = 60 secs = 60000L !!!
// when entering 60000L intervall is fixed to 1 min
// show RX values
// #define SHOW_RX_PACKET // uncomment to show received LoRa APS packets for the time given below
#define SHOW_RX_TIME 5000 // show RX packet for milliseconds (5000 = 5secs)