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This is an attempt by Nina Paley (art) and Atul Varma (code) to tinker with procedural art.

Right now there is no particular goal other than to explore various ideas. The project consists of a web site with multiple pages, each of which is an experiment of some kind.

It can be viewed online or iterated on locally using the instructions below.

Quick start

This requires NodeJS. It was started with NodeJS 14.15.4, but hopefully it should work with any recent version.

After cloning the repository and entering it, run:

npm run watch

then visit http://localhost:1234.

Running tests

To run tests interactively, run:

npm run test:watch

Code style

All code styling is managed by Prettier.

To format the code automatically, run:

npm run prettier:fix

You can alternatively install a Prettier extension for your editor; see its website for more details.


To deploy the project to GitHub Pages, run:

npm run deploy