The origin of this project is documented in my ham radio blog. I have continued working on this project and the first version with test results was uploaded to github. My goal was to produce a working Bayesian Morse decoder that can be integrated to various ham software packages, such as FLDIGI. To validate this I integrated the decoder as a new option to FLDIGI v3.21.75 and released the first alpha version. Some hams like Mike, W0BTU got this working but many reported difficulties, especially sensitivity related to signal amplitude settings.
After initial testing it became obvious that I need a better framework to manage different test cases. I took the approach of creating a standalone, command line driven software package that allows building scripts and running a series of tests with different options and parameter values. I also started converting the software from C towards C++ to enable re-using a lot of great modules in FLDIGI, such as various signal processing and filtering functions.