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# moonstream backend
### Installation and setup
To set up Moonstream API for development, do the following:
- Clone the git repository
- Install postgresql (
#### Run server with Docker
To be able to run Moonstream API with your existing local or development services as database, you need to build your own setup. **Be aware! The files with environment variables `` lives inside your docker container!**
- Copy `configs/sample.env` to `configs/`, or use your local configs from `configs/dev.env` to `configs/`
- Edit in `` file `MOONSTREAM_DB_URI` and other variables if required
- Clean environment file from `export ` prefix and quotation marks to be able to use it with Docker
sed --in-place 's|^export * ||' configs/
sed --in-place 's|"||g' configs/
Build container on your machine
docker build -t moonstreamapi-dev .
Run `moonstreamapi-dev` container, with following command we specified `--network="host"` setting which allows to Docker container use localhost interface of your machine (
docker run --name moonstreamapi-dev \
--network="host" \
--env-file="configs/" \
-p 7481:7481/tcp \
-ti -d moonstreamapi-dev
Attach to container to see logs
docker container attach moonstreamapi-dev