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Node Balancer application


  • Prepare environment variables
  • Build application
go build -o nodebalancer

Work with nodebalancer


nodebalancer clients | jq .

This command will return a list of bugout resources of registered users to access node balancer with their crawlers/app/project (in our project we will call it crawlers).

		"user_id": "<user_id_from_any_bugout_application>",
		"access_id": "<access_uuid_which_provided_with_query>",
		"name": "<short_description_of_purpose_of_this_crawler>",
		"description": "<long_description>",
		"blockchain_access": true,
		"extended_methods": false

access_id - token which allow access to nodebalancer, could be specified in both ways:

  • as a header x-moonstream-access-id with value access_id
  • as query parameter access_id=access_id

blockchain_access - boolean which allow you or not to have access to blockchain node, otherwise you will be redirected to database

extended_methods - boolean which allow you to call not whitelisted method to blockchain node, by default for new user this is equal to false


nodebalancer server -host -port 8544 -healthcheck

Flag --healthcheck will execute background process to ping-pong available nodes to keep their status and current block number. Flag --debug will extend output of each request to server and healthchecks summary.

Work with node

Common request to fetch block number

curl --request GET '<access_id>&data_source=<blockchain/database>' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "params":["0xb71b64", false],