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## *A Dockerized Relay for Meshtastic and Matrix featuring an Integrated Virtual Meshtastic Node communicating via MQTT*
### **Introduction**
This project utilizes a virtual node built using [Meshtastic firmware]( It emulates the capabilities of a physical device, facilitating direct communication with a conventional mesh network through the firmware's built-in MQTT functionality.
The relay operations are provided by the [Meshtastic <=> Matrix Relay]( project.
Discover more about Meshtastic on their official site: [](
### **Installation & Setup**
This project consists of two containers `mmrealynode-app` and `mmrelaynode-device`. Start by copying `docker-compose-sample.yaml` to `docker-compose.yaml` and tailor it to your needs.
For container setup:
git clone
cd mmrelaynode && git submodule update --init
docker compose -f "docker-compose.yaml" up -d --build
docker compose restart
*Important: Restart the containers after the initial launch. This reboot enables the virtual Meshtastic node to apply the changes from the `MESHTATIC_COMMAND_X:` commands after being executed by the script.*
### **Additional Operational Commands**
To view outputs from `` & `MESHTASTIC_COMMAND_X` commands:
docker exec -it mmrelaynode-app cat /home/mesh/app/command_output.txt
These commands are executed only upon the first launch of the container. To re-execute, remove the flag file and restart the container.
To remove the flag file:
docker exec -it mmrelaynode-app rm /home/mesh/app/.commands_executed
For script modifications and rebuilding containers from scratch, use:
docker compose down --volumes
docker compose build --no-cache
docker compose up -d --force-recreate