Bohdan Danishevsky f84eb5cec2 Add support of Microchip AT24C32 and support of single chip for `EEPROM` class

Adds support of:

1. Microchip AT24C32 (4 KiB)
2. Support of single chip setup for `EEPROM` class when single chip has address is
 0x57 so entire set of chips (1 chip in our case) addresses are not started from 0x50.


from eeprom_i2c import EEPROM, T24C32

eeprom = PROM(machine.I2C(0), T24C32)

Improves tests implementation by adding dependency injection of `EEPROM`
object used during testing with support of old use case when object
had not been provided for testing.

Example (for AT24C32 connected to I2C0 of my Raspberry Pi Pico W) when we
creating instance of `EEPROM` and then passing it to `full_test` and also
providing proper block size for this chip:

import machine
from eeprom_i2c import EEPROM, T24C32
from eep_i2c import full_test

def get_eep():
    return EEPROM(machine.I2C(0), T24C32)

def main():
    print("App started")

    print("Running tests")
    eep = get_eep()
    full_test(eep, block_size=32)
    print("App finished")

if __name__ == "__main__":


Have DS3231 with soldered AT24C32 chip and want to use both RTC and EEPROM.
In my case AT24C32 has 0x57 as it's address and `EEPROM` class refused to
work with this setup.


Executed `full_test` from `eep_i2c` against AT24C32 (with address 0x57)
connected to my Raspberry Pi Pico W.

Test code:

import machine
from eeprom_i2c import EEPROM, T24C32
from eep_i2c import full_test

def get_eep():
    return EEPROM(machine.I2C(0), T24C32)

def main():
    print("App started")

    print("Running tests")
    eep = get_eep()
    full_test(eep, block_size=32)
    print("App finished")

if __name__ == "__main__":
2022-09-24 17:42:58 +01:00
I2C.md Add support of Microchip AT24C32 and support of single chip for `EEPROM` class 2022-09-24 17:42:58 +01:00
eep_i2c.py Add support of Microchip AT24C32 and support of single chip for `EEPROM` class 2022-09-24 17:42:58 +01:00
eeprom_i2c.py Add support of Microchip AT24C32 and support of single chip for `EEPROM` class 2022-09-24 17:42:58 +01:00
wemos_i2c_eeprom.py Run black over all Python files. 2022-09-22 10:04:29 +01:00