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These examples, originally from e-radionica/Inkplate/Examples/Inkplate6 are not frozen into the board firmware; they're here for reference. Execute them on your Inkplate to try them out.

  • basicBW.py -> demonstrates basic drawing capabilities, as well as drawing some images.
  • basicGrayscale.py -> demonstrates basic drawing capabilities, as well as drawing some images.
  • exampleNetwork.py -> demonstrates connection to WiFi network while drawing the HTTP request response on the screen.
  • exampleSd.py -> demonstrates reading files and images from SD card.
  • batteryAndTemperatureRead.py -> demonstrates how to read temperature and voltage from internal sensors.
  • touchpads.py -> demonstrates how to use built in touchpads.

To execute the examples

The recommended way to execute the examples is with mpremote. Install mpremote with pipx (pipx install mpremote) then run a script on the Inkplate, eg:

> mpremote connect [SERIALPORT] run basicBW.py