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# st7735r144_setup.py Customise for your hardware config
# Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Peter Hinch
# As written, supports:
# Adfruit 1.44 inch Color TFT LCD display with MicroSD Card Breakout:
# https://www.adafruit.com/product/2088
# Demo of initialisation procedure designed to minimise risk of memory fail
# when instantiating the frame buffer. The aim is to do this as early as
# possible before importing other modules.
# WIRING (Adafruit pin nos and names).
# Pyb SSD
# Vin Vcc (1) 5V
# 3v3 (2) No connection
# Gnd Gnd (3)
# Y6 SCK (4)
# Y7 SO (5) MISO Optional - (for SD card)
# Y8 SI (6) MOSI
# Y2 TCS (7)
# Y3 RST (8)
# Y1 D/C (9)
# CARD_CS (10) No connection (for SD card)
# Vin Lite (11) Backlight
import machine
import gc
from drivers.st7735r.st7735r144 import ST7735R as SSD
pdc = machine.Pin('Y1', machine.Pin.OUT_PP, value=0)
pcs = machine.Pin('Y2', machine.Pin.OUT_PP, value=1)
prst = machine.Pin('Y3', machine.Pin.OUT_PP, value=1)
spi = machine.SPI(2, baudrate=12_000_000)
gc.collect() # Precaution before instantiating framebuf
ssd = SSD(spi, pcs, pdc, prst) # Create a display instance