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# aclock.py Test/demo program for nanogui
# Orinally for ssd1351-based OLED displays but runs on most displays
# Adafruit 1.5" 128*128 OLED display: https://www.adafruit.com/product/1431
# Adafruit 1.27" 128*96 display https://www.adafruit.com/product/1673
# Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE.
# Copyright (c) 2021 Peter Hinch
# UK daylight saving code adapted from
# https://forum.micropython.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4034
# Winter UTC Summer (BST) is UTC+1H
# Changes happen last Sundays of March (BST) and October (UTC) at 01:00 UTC
# Ref. formulas : http://www.webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/i.html
# Since 1996, valid through 2099
# Initialise hardware and framebuf before importing modules.
from color_setup import ssd # Create a display instance
from gui.core.nanogui import refresh
from gui.widgets.label import Label
from gui.widgets.dial import Dial, Pointer
refresh(ssd, True) # Initialise and clear display.
# Now import other modules
import cmath
import time
from gui.core.writer import CWriter
from machine import RTC
import asyncio
import ntptime
import do_connect # WiFi connction script
# Font for CWriter
import gc
import gui.fonts.freesans20 as font
from gui.core.colors import *
bst = False
def gbtime(now):
global bst
bst = False
year = time.localtime(now)[0] # get current year
# Time of March change to BST
t_march = time.mktime((year, 3, (31 - (int(5 * year / 4 + 4)) % 7), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
# Time of October change to UTC
t_october = time.mktime((year, 10, (31 - (int(5 * year / 4 + 1)) % 7), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
if now < t_march: # we are before last sunday of march
gbt = time.localtime(now) # UTC
elif now < t_october: # we are before last sunday of october
gbt = time.localtime(now + 3600) # BST: UTC+1H
bst = True
else: # we are after last sunday of october
gbt = time.localtime(now) # UTC
return gbt
async def set_rtc():
rtc = RTC()
while True:
t = -1
while t < 0:
t = ntptime.time()
except OSError:
print("ntp timeout")
await asyncio.sleep(5)
s = gbtime(t) # Convert UTC to local (GB) time
t0 = time.time()
rtc.datetime(s[0:3] + (0,) + s[3:6] + (0,))
print("RTC was set, delta =", time.time() - t0)
await asyncio.sleep(600)
async def ramcheck():
while True:
print("Free RAM:", gc.mem_free())
await asyncio.sleep(600)
async def aclock():
uv = lambda phi: cmath.rect(1, phi) # Return a unit vector of phase phi
pi = cmath.pi
days = ("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")
months = (
# Instantiate CWriter
CWriter.set_textpos(ssd, 0, 0) # In case previous tests have altered it
wri = CWriter(ssd, font, GREEN, BLACK, verbose=False)
wri.set_clip(True, True, False)
# Instantiate displayable objects
dial = Dial(wri, 2, 2, height=130, ticks=12, bdcolor=None) # Border in fg color
lbltim = Label(wri, 140, 2, 130)
lblday = Label(wri, 170, 2, 130)
lblmonth = Label(wri, 190, 2, 130)
lblyr = Label(wri, 210, 2, 130)
hrs = Pointer(dial)
mins = Pointer(dial)
secs = Pointer(dial)
hstart = 0 + 0.7j # Pointer lengths and position at top
mstart = 0 + 0.92j
sstart = 0 + 0.92j
t = time.localtime()
while True:
hrs.value(hstart * uv(-t[3] * pi / 6 - t[4] * pi / 360), YELLOW)
mins.value(mstart * uv(-t[4] * pi / 30 - t[5] * pi / 1800), YELLOW)
secs.value(sstart * uv(-t[5] * pi / 30), RED)
lbltim.value("{:02d}.{:02d}.{:02d} {}".format(t[3], t[4], t[5], "BST" if bst else "UTC"))
lblmonth.value("{} {}".format(t[2], months[t[1] - 1]))
st = t
while st == t:
await asyncio.sleep_ms(100)
t = time.localtime()
_ = asyncio.new_event_loop()