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2021-01-25 18:44:04 +00:00
# epd29_sync.py Demo of synchronous code on 2.9" EPD display
# Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Peter Hinch
# color_setup must set landcsape True, asyn False and must not set demo_mode
from math import pi, sin
import upower
import machine
import pyb
pon = machine.Pin('Y5', machine.Pin.OUT_PP, value=1) # Power on before instantiating display
upower.lpdelay(1000) # Give the valves (tubes) time to warm up :)
from color_setup import ssd # Instantiate
from gui.core.writer import Writer
from gui.core.nanogui import refresh
from gui.core.fplot import CartesianGraph, Curve
from gui.widgets.meter import Meter
from gui.widgets.label import Label
from gui.widgets.dial import Dial, Pointer
# Fonts
import gui.fonts.arial10 as arial10
import gui.fonts.freesans20 as large
wri = Writer(ssd, arial10, verbose=False)
wri.set_clip(False, False, False)
wri_large = Writer(ssd, large, verbose=False)
wri_large.set_clip(False, False, False)
def graph():
row, col, ht, wd = 5, 140, 75, 150
def populate():
x = -0.998
while x < 1.01:
z = 6 * pi * x
y = sin(z) / z
yield x, y
x += 0.05
g = CartesianGraph(wri, row, col, height = ht, width = wd, bdcolor=False)
curve2 = Curve(g, None, populate())
Label(wri, row + ht + 5, col - 10, '-2.0 t: secs')
Label(wri, row + ht + 5, col - 8 + int(wd//2), '0.0')
Label(wri, row + ht + 5, col - 10 + wd, '2.0')
def compass():
dial = Dial(wri, 5, 5, height = 75, ticks = 12, bdcolor=None,
label='Direction', style = Dial.COMPASS)
ptr = Pointer(dial)
ptr.value(1 + 1j)
def meter():
m = Meter(wri, 5, 100, height = 75, divisions = 4,
label='Peak', style=Meter.BAR, legends=('0', '50', '100'))
def labels():
row = 100
col = 0
Label(wri_large, row, col, 'Seismograph')
col = 140
Label(wri, row, col + 0, 'Event time')
Label(wri, row, col + 60, '01:35', bdcolor=None)
Label(wri, row, col + 95, 'UTC')
row = 115
Label(wri, row, col + 0, 'Event date')
Label(wri, row, col + 60, '6th Jan 2021', bdcolor=None)
# Populate the display - GUI and Writer code goes here
def populate():
# Initialise GUI clearing display. Populate frame buffer. Update diplay and
# leave in power down state ready for phsyical loss of power
def show():
# Low power version of .wait_until_ready()
def wait_ready():
while not ssd.ready():
refresh(ssd, True) # Init and clear. busy will go True for ~5s
wait_ready() # wait for display ready (seconds)
ssd.sleep() # Put into "off" state
# Handle initial power up and subsequent wakeup.
rtc = pyb.RTC()
# If we have a backup battery clear down any setting from a previously running program
reason = machine.reset_cause() # Why have we woken?
red = pyb.LED(1)
if reason in (machine.PWRON_RESET, machine.HARD_RESET, machine.SOFT_RESET):
# Code to run when the application is first started
aa = upower.Alarm('a')
aa.timeset(second = 39)
ab = upower.Alarm('b')
ab.timeset(second = 9)
elif reason == machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET:
# Display on. Pin is pulled down by 2K2 so hi-z turns display off.
pon(0) # Physically power down display