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2018-08-29 17:16:13 +00:00
A lightweight and minimal MicroPython GUI library for display drivers based on
the `framebuf` class. With the exception of the Nokia 5110, such drivers are
currently for color and monochrome OLED displays. This is coincidental.
These images don't do justice to the OLED displays which are visually
impressive with bright colors and extreme contrast. For some reason they are
quite hard to photograph.
2018-09-23 12:32:51 +00:00
![Image](images/clock.png) The aclock.py demo.
![Image](images/fonts.png) Label objects in two fonts.
2018-08-29 17:16:13 +00:00
One of the demos running on an Adafruit 1.27 inch OLED. The colors change
2018-09-23 12:32:51 +00:00
dynamically with low values showing green, intermediate yellow and high red.
The alevel.py demo. The Pyboard was mounted vertically: the length and angle
of the vector arrow varies as the Pyboard is moved.
2018-08-29 17:16:13 +00:00
There is an optional [graph plotting module](./plot/FPLOT.md) for basic
Cartesian and polar plots, also realtime plotting including time series.
2018-09-23 17:46:04 +00:00
![Image](plot/images/sine.png) A sample image from the plot module.
2018-08-29 17:16:13 +00:00
Notes on [Adafruit and other OLED displays](./drivers/ADAFRUIT.md) including
wiring details, pin names and hardware issues.
# Contents
1. [Introduction](./README.md#1-introduction)
2. [Files and Dependencies](./README.md#2-files-and-dependencies)
2.1 [Dependencies](./README.md#21-dependencies)
2.2.1 [Monochrome use](./README.md#211-monochrome-use)
2.2.2 [Color use](./README.md#222-color-use)
3. [The nanogui module](./README.md#3-the-nanogui-module)
3.1 [Initialisation](./README.md#31-initialisation) Initial setup and refresh method.
3.2 [Label class](./README.md#32-label-class) Dynamic text at any screen location.
3.3 [Meter class](./README.md#33-meter-class) A vertical panel meter.
3.4 [LED class](./README.md#34-led-class) Virtual LED of any color.
3.5 [Dial and Pointer classes](./README.md#35-dial-and-pointer-classes) Clock
or compass style display of one or more pointers.
4. [Device drivers](./README.md#4-device-drivers) Device driver compatibility
requirements (these are minimal).
# 1. Introduction
This library provides a limited set of GUI objects (widgets) for displays whose
display driver is subclassed from the `framebuf` class. Examples are:
* The official [SSD1306 driver](https://github.com/micropython/micropython/blob/master/drivers/display/ssd1306.py).
* The [PCD8544/Nokia 5110](https://github.com/mcauser/micropython-pcd8544.git).
* The [Adafruit 0.96 inch color OLED](https://www.adafruit.com/product/684)
with [this driver](https://github.com/peterhinch/micropython-nano-gui/tree/master/drivers/ssd1331).
* A driver for [Adafruit 1.5 inch OLED](https://www.adafruit.com/product/1431)
and [Adafruit 1.27 inch OLED](https://www.adafruit.com/product/1673) may be
found [here](./drivers/ssd1351/README.md).
Widgets are intended for the display of data from physical devices such as
sensors. The GUI is display-only: there is no provision for user input. This
is because there are no `frmebuf`- based display drivers for screens with a
touch overlay. Authors of applications requiring input should consider my touch
GUI's for the official lcd160cr or for SSD1963 based displays.
Widgets are drawn using graphics primitives rather than icons to minimise RAM
usage. It also enables them to be effciently rendered at arbitrary scale on
devices with restricted processing power.
Owing to RAM requirements and limitations on communication speed, `framebuf`
based display drivers are intended for physically small displays with limited
numbers of pixels. The widgets are designed for displays as small as 0.96
inches: this involves some compromises. They aim to maximise the information
on screen by offering the option of dynamically changing colors.
Copying the contents of the frame buffer to the display is relatively slow. The
time depends on the size of the frame buffer and the interface speed, but the
latency may be too high for applications such as games. For example the time to
update a 128*128*8 color ssd1351 display on a Pyboard 1.0 is 41ms.
Drivers based on `framebuf` must allocate contiguous RAM for the buffer. To
avoid 'out of memory' errors it is best to instantiate the display early,
possibly before importing many other modules. The `aclock.py` and `alevel.py`
demos illustrate this.
# 2. Files and Dependencies
## 2.1 Files
* `nanogui.py` The library.
* `mono_test.py` Tests/demos using the official SSD1306 library for a
monochrome 128*64 OLED display.
* `color96.py` Tests/demos for the Adafruit 0.96 inch color OLED.
* `color15.py` Similar for Adafruit 1.27 inch and 1.5 inch color OLEDs. Edit
the `height = 96` line as per the comment for the larger display.
Demos for Adafruit 1.27 inch and 1.5 inch color OLEDs. Edit the `height = 96`
line as per the code comment for the larger display.
* `aclock.py` Analog clock demo.
* `alevel.py` Spirit level using Pyboard accelerometer.
Sample fonts created by [font_to_py.py](https://github.com/peterhinch/micropython-font-to-py.git):
* `arial10.py`
* `courier20.py`
* `font6.py`
* `freesans20.py`
2018-09-24 07:08:24 +00:00
Demos showing the use of `nanogui` with `uasyncio` may be found [here](./async/ASYNC.md).
2018-09-23 17:46:04 +00:00
2018-08-29 17:16:13 +00:00
## 2.2 Dependencies
All applicatons require a device driver for the display in use plus any Python
font files in use. The following is required by all applications:
* [writer.py](https://github.com/peterhinch/micropython-font-to-py/blob/master/writer/writer.py)
Provides text rendering.
### 2.2.1 Monochrome use
OLED displays using the SSD1306 chip require:
* [ssd1306_setup.py](https://github.com/peterhinch/micropython-font-to-py/blob/master/writer/ssd1306_setup.py)
Contains wiring information.
* The official [SSD1306 driver](https://github.com/micropython/micropython/blob/master/drivers/display/ssd1306.py).
Displays based on the PCD8544 chip require:
* [PCD8544/Nokia 5110](https://github.com/mcauser/micropython-pcd8544.git)
### 2.2.2 Color use
Supported displays amd their drivers are listed below:
* [Adafruit 0.96 inch color OLED](https://github.com/peterhinch/micropython-nano-gui/tree/master/drivers/ssd1331).
Driver for SSD1331 controller.
* [Adafruit 1.5 and 1.27 inch color OLEDs](./drivers/ssd1351/README.md)
Driver for SSD1351 controller.
Test script for Adafruit 1.5 and 1.27 inch color OLED displays. It's a good
idea to paste this at the REPL to ensure the display is working before
progressing to the GUI. Remember to change `height` if using the 1.5 inch
import machine
from ssd1351 import SSD1351 as SSD
pdc = machine.Pin('X1', machine.Pin.OUT_PP, value=0)
pcs = machine.Pin('X2', machine.Pin.OUT_PP, value=1)
prst = machine.Pin('X3', machine.Pin.OUT_PP, value=1)
spi = machine.SPI(1)
ssd = SSD(spi, pcs, pdc, prst, height=96) # Ensure height is correct (96/128)
ssd.line(0, 0, 127, 95, ssd.rgb(0, 255, 0)) # Green diagonal corner-to-corner
ssd.rect(0, 0, 15, 15, ssd.rgb(255, 0, 0)) # Red square at top left
Color applications which do a lot of text rendering may achieve a speed gain by
means of
[this optimisation](https://github.com/peterhinch/micropython-font-to-py/blob/master/writer/WRITER.md#224-a-performance-boost).
2018-08-29 17:16:13 +00:00
###### [Contents](./README.md#contents)
# 3. The nanogui module
This supports widgets whose text components are drawn using the `Writer`
(monochrome) or `CWriter` (colour) classes. Upside down rendering is not
supported: attempts to specify it will produce unexpected results.
Widgets are drawn at specific locations on screen and are incompatible with the
display of scrolling text: they are therefore not intended for use with the
`Writer.printstring` method. The coordinates of a widget are those of its top
left corner. If a border is specified, this is drawn outside of the limits of
the widgets with a margin of 2 pixels. If the widget is placed at [row, col]
the top left hand corner of the border is at [row-2, col-2].
When a widget is drawn or updated (typically with its `value` method) it is not
immediately displayed. To update the display `nanogui.refresh` is called: this
ensures that the `framebuf` contents are updated before copying the contents to
the display. This postponement is for performance reasons and to provide the
appearance of a rapid update.
## 3.1 Initialisation
The GUI is initialised in the following stages. The aim is to allocate the
`framebuf` before importing other modules. This is intended to reduce the risk
of memory failures when instantiating a large framebuf in an application which
imports multiple modules.
Firstly set the display height and import the driver:
height = 96 # 1.27 inch 96*128 (rows*cols) display. Set to 128 for 1.5 inch
import machine
import gc
from ssd1351 import SSD1351 as SSD # Import the display driver
Then set up the bus (SPI or I2C) and instantiate the display. At this point the
framebuffer is created:
pdc = machine.Pin('X1', machine.Pin.OUT_PP, value=0)
pcs = machine.Pin('X2', machine.Pin.OUT_PP, value=1)
prst = machine.Pin('X3', machine.Pin.OUT_PP, value=1)
spi = machine.SPI(1)
gc.collect() # Precaution before instantiating framebuf
ssd = SSD(spi, pcs, pdc, prst, height) # Create a display instance
Finally import `nanogui` modules and initialise the display. Import any other
modules required by the application. For each font to be used import the
Python font and create a `CWriter` instance (for monochrome displays a `Writer`
is used):
from nanogui import Label, Dial, Pointer, refresh # Whatever you need
refresh(ssd) # Initialise and clear display.
from writer import CWriter # Import other modules
import arial10 # Font
GREEN = SSD.rgb(0, 255, 0) # Define colors
RED = SSD.rgb(255, 0, 0)
BLUE = SSD.rgb(0, 0, 255)
YELLOW = SSD.rgb(255, 255, 0)
CWriter.set_textpos(ssd, 0, 0) # In case previous tests have altered it
# Instantiate any CWriters to be used (one for each font)
wri = CWriter(ssd, arial10, GREEN, BLACK, verbose=False)
wri.set_clip(True, True, False)
The `nanogui.refresh` method takes two args:
1. `device` The display instance (supports multiple displays).
2. `clear=False` If set `True` the display will be blanked; it is also
blanked when a device is refreshed for the first time.
It should be called after instantiating the display, and again whenever the
physical display is to be updated.
###### [Contents](./README.md#contents)
## 3.2 Label class
This supports applications where text is to be rendered at specific screen
Text can be static or dynamic. In the case of dynamic text the background is
cleared to ensure that short strings cleanly replace longer ones.
Labels can be displayed with an optional single pixel border.
Colors are handled flexibly. By default the colors used are those of the
`Writer` instance, however they can be changed dynamically; this might be used
to warn of overrange or underrange values.
Constructor args:
1. `writer` The `Writer` instance (font and screen) to use.
2. `row` Location on screen.
3. `col`
4. `text` If a string is passed it is displayed: typically used for static
text. If an integer is passed it is interpreted as the maximum text length
in pixels; typically obtained from `writer.stringlen('-99.99')`. Nothing is
dsplayed until `.value()` is called. Intended for dynamic text fields.
5. `invert=False` Display in inverted or normal style.
6. `fgcolor=None` Optionally override the `Writer` colors.
7. `bgcolor=None`
8. `bdcolor=False` If `False` no border is displayed. If `None` a border is
shown in the `Writer` forgeround color. If a color is passed, it is used.
The constructor displays the string at the required location.
1. `value` Redraws the label. This takes the following args:
* `text=None` The text to display. If `None` displays last value.
* ` invert=False` If true, show inverse text.
* `fgcolor=None` Foreground color: if `None` the `Writer` default is used.
* `bgcolor=None` Background color, as per foreground.
* `bdcolor=None` Border color. As per above except that if `False` is
passed, no border is displayed. This clears a previously drawn border.
Returns the current text string.
2. `show` No args. (Re)draws the label. Primarily for internal use by GUI.
If populating a label would cause it to extend beyond the screen boundary a
warning is printed at the console. The label may appear at an unexpected place.
The following is a complete "Hello world" script.
height = 96 # 1.27 inch 96*128 (rows*cols) display. Set to 128 for 1.5 inch
import machine
import gc
from ssd1351 import SSD1351 as SSD # Import the display driver
pdc = machine.Pin('X1', machine.Pin.OUT_PP, value=0)
pcs = machine.Pin('X2', machine.Pin.OUT_PP, value=1)
prst = machine.Pin('X3', machine.Pin.OUT_PP, value=1)
spi = machine.SPI(1)
gc.collect() # Precaution before instantiating framebuf
ssd = SSD(spi, pcs, pdc, prst, height) # Create a display instance
from nanogui import Label, refresh
refresh(ssd) # Initialise and clear display.
from writer import CWriter # Import other modules
import freesans20 # Font
GREEN = SSD.rgb(0, 255, 0) # Define colors
CWriter.set_textpos(ssd, 0, 0) # In case previous tests have altered it
wri = CWriter(ssd, freesans20, GREEN, BLACK, verbose=False)
wri.set_clip(True, True, False)
# End of boilerplate code. This is our application:
Label(wri, 2, 2, 'Hello world!')
###### [Contents](./README.md#contents)
## 3.3 Meter class
This provides a vertical linear meter display of values scaled between 0.0 and
Constructor positional args:
1. `writer` The `Writer` instance (font and screen) to use.
2. `row` Location on screen.
3. `col`
Keyword only args:
4. `height=50` Height of meter.
5. `width=10` Width.
6. `fgcolor=None` Foreground color: if `None` the `Writer` default is used.
7. `bgcolor=None` Background color, as per foreground.
8. `ptcolor=None` Color of meter pointer or bar. Default is foreground color.
9. `bdcolor=False` If `False` no border is displayed. If `None` a border is
shown in the `Writer` forgeround color. If a color is passed, it is used.
10. `divisions=5` No. of gradutions to show.
11. `label=None` A text string will cause a `Label` to be drawn below the
meter. An integer will create a `Label` of that width for later use.
12. `style=Meter.LINE` The pointer is a horizontal line. `Meter.BAR` causes a
vertical bar to be displayed.
13. `legends=None` If a tuple of strings is passed, `Label` instances will be
displayed to the right hand side of the meter, starting at the bottom. E.G.
`('0.0', '0.5', '1.0')`
14. `value=None` Initial value. If `None` the meter will not be drawn until
its `value()` method is called.
1. `value` Args: `n=None, color=None`.
* `n` should be a float in range 0 to 1.0. Causes the meter to be updated.
Out of range values are constrained. If `None` is passed the meter is not
* `color` Updates the color of the bar or line if a value is also passed.
`None` causes no change.
Returns the current value.
2. `text` Updates the label if present (otherwise throws a `ValueError`). Args:
* `text=None` The text to display. If `None` displays last value.
* ` invert=False` If true, show inverse text.
* `fgcolor=None` Foreground color: if `None` the `Writer` default is used.
* `bgcolor=None` Background color, as per foreground.
* `bdcolor=None` Border color. As per above except that if `False` is
passed, no border is displayed. This clears a previously drawn border.
3. `show` No args. (Re)draws the meter. Primarily for internal use by GUI.
###### [Contents](./README.md#contents)
## 3.4 LED class
This is a virtual LED whose color may be altered dynamically.
Constructor positional args:
1. `writer` The `Writer` instance (font and screen) to use.
2. `row` Location on screen.
3. `col`
Keyword only args:
4. `height=12` Height of LED.
5. `fgcolor=None` Foreground color: if `None` the `Writer` default is used.
6. `bgcolor=None` Background color, as per foreground.
7. `bdcolor=False` If `False` no border is displayed. If `None` a border is
shown in the `Writer` forgeround color. If a color is passed, it is used.
8. `label=None` A text string will cause a `Label` to be drawn below the
LED. An integer will create a `Label` of that width for later use.
1. `color` arg `c=None` Change the LED color to `c`. If `c` is `None` the LED
is turned off (rendered in the background color).
2. `text` Updates the label if present (otherwise throws a `ValueError`). Args:
* `text=None` The text to display. If `None` displays last value.
* ` invert=False` If true, show inverse text.
* `fgcolor=None` Foreground color: if `None` the `Writer` default is used.
* `bgcolor=None` Background color, as per foreground.
* `bdcolor=None` Border color. As per above except that if `False` is
passed, no border is displayed. This clears a previously drawn border.
3. `show` No args. (Re)draws the LED. Primarily for internal use by GUI.
###### [Contents](./README.md#contents)
## 3.5 Dial and Pointer classes
A dial is a circular analogue clock style display showing a set of pointers. To
use, the `Dial` is instantiated then one or more `Pointer` objects are
instantiated and assigned to it. The `Pointer.value` method enables the `Dial`
to be updated, with the length, angle and color being dynamically variable.
Pointer values are complex numbers.
Constructor positional args:
1. `writer` The `Writer` instance (font and screen) to use.
2. `row` Location on screen.
3. `col`
Keyword only args:
4. `height=50` Height and width of dial.
5. `fgcolor=None` Foreground color: if `None` the `Writer` default is used.
6. `bgcolor=None` Background color, as per foreground.
7. `bdcolor=False` If `False` no border is displayed. If `None` a border is
shown in the `Writer` forgeround color. If a color is passed, it is used.
8. `ticks=4` No. of gradutions to show.
9. `label=None` A text string will cause a `Label` to be drawn below the
meter. An integer will create a `Label` of that width for later use.
10. `style=Dial.CLOCK` Pointers are drawn from the centre of the circle as per
the hands of a clock. `Dial.COMPASS` causes pointers to be drawn as arrows
centred on the control's centre. Arrow tail chevrons are suppressed for very
short pointers.
11. `pip=None` Draws a central dot. A color may be passed, otherwise the
foreground color will be used. If `False` is passed, no pip will be drawn. The
pip is suppressed if the shortest pointer would be hard to see.
When a `Pointer` is instantiated it is assigned to the `Dial` by the `Pointer`
The `Pointer` class:
Constructor arg:
1. `dial` The `Dial` instance on which it is to be dsplayed.
1. `value` Args:
* `v=None` The value is a complex number. If its magnitude exceeds unity it
is reduced (preserving phase) to constrain it to the boundary of the unit
* `color=None` By default the pointer is rendered in the foreground color
of the parent `Dial`. Otherwise the passed color is used.
2. `text` Updates the label if present (otherwise throws a `ValueError`). Args:
* `text=None` The text to display. If `None` displays last value.
* ` invert=False` If true, show inverse text.
* `fgcolor=None` Foreground color: if `None` the `Writer` default is used.
* `bgcolor=None` Background color, as per foreground.
* `bdcolor=None` Border color. As per above except that if `False` is
passed, no border is displayed. This clears a previously drawn border.
3. `show` No args. (Re)draws the control. Primarily for internal use by GUI.
Typical usage (`ssd` is the device and `wri` is the current `Writer`):
def clock(ssd, wri):
# Border in Writer foreground color:
dial = Dial(wri, 5, 5, ticks = 12, bdcolor=None)
hrs = Pointer(dial)
mins = Pointer(dial)
hrs.value(0 + 0.7j, RED)
mins.value(0 + 0.9j, YELLOW)
dm = cmath.exp(-1j * cmath.pi / 30) # Rotate by 1 minute
dh = cmath.exp(-1j * cmath.pi / 1800) # Rotate hours by 1 minute
# Twiddle the hands: see clock.py for an actual clock
for _ in range(80):
mins.value(mins.value() * dm, RED)
hrs.value(hrs.value() * dh, YELLOW)
# 4. Device drivers
For a driver to support `nanogui` it must be subclassed from `framebuf` and
provide `height` and `width` bound variables defining the display size in
pixels. This is all that is required for monochrome drivers.
For color drivers, to conserve RAM it is suggested that 8-bit color is used
for the `framebuf`. If the hardware does not support this, conversion to the
supported color space needs to be done "on the fly" as per the SSD1351 driver.
Since this is likely to be slow, consider using native, viper or assembler.
Color drivers should have a static method converting rgb(255, 255, 255) to a
form acceptable to the driver. For 8-bit rrrgggbb this can be:
def rgb(r, g, b):
return (r & 0xe0) | ((g >> 3) & 0x1c) | (b >> 6)
This should be amended if the hardware uses a different 8-bit format.
The `Writer` (monochrome) or `CWriter` (color) classes and the `nanogui` module
should then work automatically.
If a display uses I2C note that owing to
[this issue](https://github.com/micropython/micropython/pull/4020) soft I2C
may be required, depending on the detailed specification of the chip.
###### [Contents](./README.md#contents)