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This is a lightweight, portable, MicroPython GUI library for displays with drivers subclassed from framebuf. It allows input via pushbuttons or via a switch joystick.

It is larger and more complex than nano-gui owing to the support for input. It enables switching between screens and launching modal windows. In addition to nano-gui widgets it supports listboxes, dropdown lists, various means of entering or displaying floating point values, and other widgets.

It is compatible with all display drivers for nano-gui so is portable to a wide range of displays. It is also portable between hosts.

This document is seriously incomplete.

It may be several weeks before it is usable.

Code is in a better state.

0. Contents


1. Basic concepts

Internally micro-gui uses uasyncio. It presents a conventional callback based interface; knowledge of uasyncio is not required for its use. Display refresh is handled automatically. As in nano-gui, widgets are drawn using graphics primitives rather than icons. This makes them efficiently scalable and minimises RAM usage compared to icon-based graphics. It also facilitates the provision of extra visual information. For example the color of all or part of a widget may be changed programmatically, for example to highlight an overrange condition.

1.1 Coordinates

These are defined as row and col values where row==0 and col==0 corresponds to the top left most pixel. Rows increase downwards and columns increase to the right. The graph plotting widget uses normal mathematical conventions within graphs.

1.2 Screen, Window and Widget objects

A Screen is a window which occupies the entire display. A Screen can overlay another, replacing all its contents. When closed, the Screen below is re-displayed.

A Window is a subclass of Screen but is smaller, with size and location attributes. It can overlay part of an underlying Screen and is typically used for modal dialog boxes.

A Widget is an object capable of displaying data. Some are also capable of data input. The latter can be capable of accepting focus, see navigation. Widget objects have dimensions defined as height and width. The space requred by them exceeds these by two pixels all round, as a white border is drawn to show which object currently has focus. Thus to place a Widget at the extreme top left, row and col values should be 2.

1.3 Fonts

Python font files are in the gui/fonts directory. The easiest way to conserve RAM is to freeze them which is highly recommended. In doing so the directory structure must be maintained.

To create alternatives, Python fonts may be generated from industry standard font files with font_to_py.py. The -x option for horizontal mapping must be specified. If fixed pitch rendering is required -f is also required. Supplied examples are:

  • arial10.py Variable pitch Arial. 10 pixels high.
  • arial35.py Arial 35 high.
  • arial_50.py Arial 50 high.
  • courier20.py Fixed pitch Courier, 20 high.
  • font6.py FreeSans 14 high.
  • font10.py FreeSans 17 high.
  • freesans20.py FreeSans 20 high.

1.4 Navigation

The GUI requires from 2 to 5 pushbuttons for control. These are:

  1. Next Move to the next widget.
  2. Select Operate the currently selected widget.
  3. Prev Move to the previous widget.
  4. Increase Move within the widget.
  5. Decrease Move within the widget.

Many widgets such as Pushbutton or Checkbox objects require only the Select button to operate: it is possible to design an interface using only the first two buttons.

Widgets such as Listbox objects, dropdown lists (Dropdown), and those for floating point data entry require the Increase and Decrease buttons to move within the widget or to adjust the linear value.

A LinearIO is a Widget that responds to the increase and decrease buttons by running an asyncio task. These typically output floating point values using an accelerating algorithm responding to the duration of the button press. This enables floats with a wide dynamic range to be adjusted with precision.

The currently selected Widget is identified by a white border: the focus moves between widgets via Next and Prev. Only Widget instances that can accept input can receive the focus; such widgets are defined as active. Some widgets can be declared as active or not in the constructor. An active widget can be disabled and re-enabled at runtime. While disabled a widget is shown "greyed-out" and cannot accept the focus.

1.5 Hardware definition

A file hardware_setup.py must exist in the GUI root directory. This defines the connections to the display, the display driver, and pins used for the pushbuttons. Example files may be found in the setup_examples directory.

Display drivers are documented here.

1.6 Installation

The easy way to start is to use mpremote which allows a directory on your PC to be mounted on the host. In this way the filesystem on the host is left unchanged. This is at some cost in loading speed, especially on ESP32. If adopting this approach, you will need to ensure the hardware_setup.py file on the PC matches your hardware. Install mpremote with

$ pip3 install mpremote

Clone the repo to your PC with

$ git clone https://github.com/peterhinch/micropython-micro-gui
$ cd micropython-micro-gui

Edit hardware_setup.py then run:

$ mpremote mount .

This should provide a REPL. Run the minimal demo:

>>> import gui.demos.simple

If installing to the device's filesystem it is necessary to maintain the directory structure. The drivers and gui directories (with subdirectories and contents) should be copied, along with hardware_setup.py. Filesystem space may be conserved by copying only the display driver in use. Unused widgets, fonts and demos can also be trimmed, but directory structure must be kept.

There is scope for speeding loading and saving RAM by using frozen bytecode. Once again, directory structure must be maintained.

1.7 Quick hardware check

The following may be pasted at the REPL to verify correct connection to the display. It also confirms that hardware_setup.py is specifying a suitable display driver.

from hardware_setup import ssd  # Create a display instance
from gui.core.colors import *
ssd.line(0, 0, ssd.width - 1, ssd.height - 1, GREEN)  # Green diagonal corner-to-corner
ssd.rect(0, 0, 15, 15, RED)  # Red square at top left
ssd.rect(ssd.width -15, ssd.height -15, 15, 15, BLUE)  # Blue square at bottom right

1.8 Performance and hardware notes

The largest supported display is a 320x240 ILI9341 unit. On a Pi Pico with no use of frozen bytecode the demos run with over 74K of free RAM. Substantial improvements could be achieved using frozen bytecode.

Snappy navigation benefits from several approaches:

  1. Clocking the SPI bus as fast as possible.
  2. Clocking the host fast (machine.freq).
  3. Device driver support for uasyncio. Currently this exists on ILI9341 and ST7789 (e.g. TTGO T-Display). I intend to extend this to other drivers.

On ESP32 I found it necessary to use physical pullup resistors on the pushbutton GPIO lines.

1.9 Firmware and dependencies

Firmware should be V1.15 or later.

The source tree includes all dependencies. These are listed to enable users to check for newer versions:

  • writer.py Provides text rendering of Python font files.

A copy of the official driver for OLED displays using the SSD1306 chip is provided. The official file is here:

Displays based on the Nokia 5110 (PCD8544 chip) require this driver. It is not in this repo but may be found here:

Synchronisation primitives for uasyncio may be found here:

1.10 Supported hosts and displays

Development was done using a Raspberry Pi Pico connected to a cheap ILI9341 320x240 display. I have also tested a TTGO T-Display (an ESP32 host) and a Pyboard. Code is written with portability as an aim, but MicroPython configs vary between platforms and I can't guarantee that every widget will work on every platform. For example, some use the cmath module which may be absent on some builds.

Supported displays are as per the nano-gui list. In practice usage with ePaper displays is questionable because of their slow refresh times. I haven't tested these, or the Sharp displays.

Display drivers are documented here.

1.11 Files

Display drivers may be found in the drivers directory. These are copies of those in nano-gui, included for convenience.

The system is organised as a Python package with the root being gui. Core files in gui/core are:

  • colors.py Constants including colors and shapes.
  • ugui.py The main GUI code.
  • writer.py Supports the Writer and CWriter classes.

The gui/primitives directory contains the following files:

  • switch.py Interface to physical pushbuttons.
  • delay_ms.py A software triggerable timer.

The gui/demos directory contains a variety of demos and tests, some of which require a large (320x240) display. Demos are run by issuing (fo example):

>>> import gui.demos.simple
  • simple.py Minimal demo discussed below.
  • active.py Demonstrates active controls providing floating point input.
  • plot.py Graph plotting.
  • screens.py Listbox, dropdown and dialog boxes.
  • tbox.py Text boxes and user-controlled scrolling.
  • various.py Assorted widgets including the different types of pushbutton.
  • vtest.py Clock and compass styles of vector display.

2. Usage

2.1 Program structure and operation

The following is a minimal script (found in gui.demos.simple.py) which will run on a minimal system with a small display and two pushbuttons. It provides two Button widgets with "Yes" and "No" legends.

It may be run by issuing

>>> import gui.demos.simple

at the REPL.

Note that the import of hardware_setup.py is the first line of code. This is because the frame buffer is created here, with a need for a substantial block of contiguous RAM.

from hardware_setup import ssd  # Create a display instance
from gui.core.ugui import Screen

from gui.widgets.label import Label
from gui.widgets.buttons import Button, CloseButton
from gui.core.writer import CWriter

# Font for CWriter
import gui.fonts.arial10 as arial10
from gui.core.colors import *

class BaseScreen(Screen):

    def __init__(self):

        def my_callback(button, arg):
            print('Button pressed', arg)

        wri = CWriter(ssd, arial10, GREEN, BLACK, verbose=False)

        col = 2
        row = 2
        Label(wri, row, col, 'Simple Demo')
        row = 20
        Button(wri, row, col, text='Yes', callback=my_callback, args=('Yes',))
        col += 60
        Button(wri, row, col, text='No', callback=my_callback, args=('No',))
        CloseButton(wri)  # Quit the application

def test():
    print('Testing micro-gui...')


Note how the Next pushbutton moves the focus between the two buttons and the "X" close button. The focus does not move to the "Simple Demo" widget because it is not active: a Label cannot accept user input. Pushing the Select pushbutton while the focus is on a Pushbutton causes the callback to run.

Applications start by performing Screen.change() to a user-defined Screen object. This must be subclassed from the GUI's Screen class. Note that Screen.change accepts a class name, not a class instance.

The user defined BaseScreen class constructor instantiates all widgets to be displayed and typically associates them with callback functions - which may be bound methods. Screens typically have a CloseButton widget. This is a special Pushbutton subclass which displays as an "X" at the top right corner of the physical display and closes the current screen, showing the one below. If used on the bottom level Screen (as above) it closes the application.

The wri CWriter instance associates a widget with a font. All widgets use a CWriter instance followed by row and col as positional constructor args followed typically by a number of optional keyword args. These have (hopefully) sensible defaults enabling you to get started easily.

2.2 Callbacks

The interface is event driven. Widgets may have optional callbacks which will be executed when a given event occurs. A callback function receives positional arguments. The first is a reference to the object raising the callback. Subsequent arguments are user defined, and are specified as a tuple or list of items. Callbacks are optional, as are the argument lists - a default null function and empty list are provided. Callbacks may optionally be written as bound methods - see Screens below for a reason why this can be useful.

When writing callbacks take care to ensure that the number of arguments passed is correct, bearing in mind the first arg listed above. Failure to do this will result in tracebacks which implicate the GUI code rather than the buggy user code: this is because the GUI runs the callbacks.

2.3 Colors

The file gui/core/colors.py defines standard color constants which may be used with any display driver. This section describes how to change these or to create additional colors.

Most of the color display drivers define colors as 8-bit or larger values. In such cases colors may be created and assigned to variables as follows:

from hardware_setup import ssd
PALE_YELLOW = ssd.rgb(150, 150, 0)

The GUI also provides drivers with 4-bit color to minimise RAM use. Colors are assigned to a lookup table having 16 entries. The frame buffer stores 4-bit color values, which are converted to the correct color depth for the hardware when the display is refreshed.

Of the possible 16 colors 13 are assigned in gui/core/colors.py, leaving color numbers 12, 13 and 14 free. Any color can be assigned as follows:

from gui.core.colors import *  # Imports the create_color function
PALE_YELLOW = create_color(12, 150, 150, 0)

This creates a color rgb(150, 150, 0) assigns it to "spare" color number 12 then sets PALE_YELLOW to 12. Any color number in range 0 <= n <= 15 may be used (implying that predefined colors may be reassigned). It is recommended that BLACK (0) and WHITE (15) are not changed. If code is to be ported between 4-bit and other drivers, use create_color() for all custom colors: it will produce appropriate behaviour. For an example see the nano-gui demo color15.py - in particular the vari_fields function.

2.3.1 Monochrome displays

Most widgets work on monochrome displays if color settings are left at default values. If a color is specified, drivers in this repo will convert it to black or white depending on its level of saturation. A low level will produce the background color, a high level the foreground.

At the bit level 1 represents the foreground. This is white on an emitting display such as an OLED. On a Sharp display it indicates reflection.

There is an issue regarding ePaper displays discussed here. I don't consider ePaper displays as suitable for I/O because of their slow refresh time.

3. Class details

4. Screen class

The Screen class presents a full-screen canvas onto which displayable objects are rendered. Before instantiating widgets a Screen instance must be created. This will be current until another is instantiated. When a widget is instantiated it is associated with the current screen.

All applications require the creation of at least one user screen. This is done by subclassing the Screen class. Widgets are instantiated in the constructor. Widgets may be assigned to bound variable: this facilitates communication between them.

4.1 Class methods

In normal use the following methods only are required:

  • change Change screen, refreshing the display. Mandatory positional argument: the new screen class name. This must be a class subclassed from Screen. The class will be instantiated and displayed. Optional keyword arguments: args, kwargs. These enable passing positional and keyword arguments to the constructor of the new screen.
  • back Restore previous screen.

These are uncommon:__

  • shutdown Clear the screen and shut down the GUI. Normally done by a CloseButton instance.
  • show(cls, force). This causes the screen to be redrawn. If force is False unchanged widgets are not refreshed. If True, all visible widgets are re-drawn. Explicit calls to this should never be needed.

See demos/plot.py for an example of multi-screen design.

4.2 Constructor

This takes no arguments.

4.3 Callback methods

These are null functions which may be redefined in user subclasses.

  • on_open Called when a screen is instantiated but prior to display.
  • after_open Called after a screen has been displayed.
  • on_hide Called when a screen ceases to be current.

See demos/plot.py for examples of usage of after_open.

4.4 Method

  • reg_task args task, on_change=False. The first arg may be a Task instance or a coroutine. It is a convenience method which provides for the automatic cancellation of tasks. If a screen runs independent coros it can opt to register these. On shudown, any registered tasks of the base screen are cancelled. On screen change, registered tasks with on_change True are cancelled. For finer control applications can ignore this method and handle cancellation explicitly in code.

5. Window class

This is a Screen subclass providing for modal windows. As such it has positional and dimension information. Usage consists of writing a user class subclassed from Window. Example code is in demos/screens.py.

5.2 Constructor

This takes the following positional args:

  • row
  • col
  • height
  • width

Followed by keyword-only args

  • draw_border=True
  • bgcolor=None Background color, default black.
  • fgcolor=None Foreground color, default white.

5.3 Class method

  • value This accepts a single arg which cane be any Python type. It allows widgets on a Window to store information in a way which can be accessed from the calling screen. This typically occurs after the window has closed and no longer exists as an instance.

Another approach, demonstrated in demos/screens.py, is to pass one or more callbacks to the user window constructor args. These may be called by widgets to send data to the calling screen. Note that widgets on the screen below will not be updated until the window has closed.