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A supplementary module which extends the micropython espnow module to provide asyncio support.

  • Asyncio support is available on all ESP32 targets as well as those ESP8266 boards which include the uasyncio module (ie. ESP8266 devices with at least 2MB flash storage).

API reference

  • class AIOESPNow(): inherits all the methods of the ESPNow class and extends the interface with the following async methods:

    • async AIOESPNow.arecv()

      Asyncio support for ESPNow.recv(). Note that this method does not take a timeout value as argument.

    • async AIOESPNow.airecv()

      Asyncio support for ESPNow.irecv(). Use this method to reduce memory fragmentation, as it will reuse common storage for each new message received, whereas the arecv() method will allocate new memory for every message received.

    • async AIOESPNow.asend(mac, msg, sync=True)

    • async AIOESPNow.asend(msg)

      Asyncio support for ESPNow.send().

    • __aiter__()/async __anext__()

      AIOESPNow also supports reading incoming messages by asynchronous iteration using async for, eg:

        e = AIOESPNow()
        async def recv_till_halt(e):
            async for mac, msg in e:
                print(mac, msg)
                if msg == b'halt':

Example Usage

A small async server example::

    import network
    import aioespnow
    import uasyncio as asyncio

    # A WLAN interface must be active to send()/recv()

    e = aioespnow.AIOESPNow()  # Returns AIOESPNow enhanced with async support
    peer = b'\xbb\xbb\xbb\xbb\xbb\xbb'

    # Send a periodic ping to a peer
    async def heartbeat(e, peer, period=30):
        while True:
            if not await e.asend(peer, b'ping'):
                print("Heartbeat: peer not responding:", peer)
                print("Heartbeat: ping", peer)
            await asyncio.sleep(period)

    # Echo any received messages back to the sender
    async def echo_server(e):
        async for mac, msg in e:
            print("Echo:", msg)
                await e.asend(mac, msg)
            except OSError as err:
                if len(err.args) > 1 and err.args[1] == 'ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NOT_FOUND':
                    await e.asend(mac, msg)

    async def main(e, peer, timeout, period):
        asyncio.create_task(heartbeat(e, peer, period))
        await asyncio.sleep(timeout)

    asyncio.run(main(e, peer, 120, 10))