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Convert a font file to Python source code. The principal reason for doing this is to save RAM on resource-limited targets: the font file may be incorporated into a firmware build such that it occupies flash memory rather than scarce RAM. Python code built into firmware is known as frozen bytecode.



The utility requires Python 3.2 or greater, also freetype which may be installed using pip3. On Linux at a root prompt:

# apt-get install python3-pip
# pip3 install freetype-py


font_to_py.py is a command line utility written in Python 3. It is run on a PC. It takes as input a font file with a ttf or otf extension and a required height in pixels and outputs a Python 3 source file. The pixel layout is determined by command arguments. By default fonts are stored in variable pitch form. This may be overidden by a command line argument.

By default the ASCII character set (ordinal values 32 to 126 inclusive) is supported. Command line arguments can modify this range as required, if necessary to include extended ASCII characters up to 255. Alternatively non English or non-contiguous character sets may be defined.

Further arguments ensure that the byte contents and layout are correct for the target display hardware. Their usage should be specified in the documentation for the device driver.

Example usage to produce a file myfont.py with height of 23 pixels:
font_to_py.py FreeSans.ttf 23 myfont.py


Mandatory positional arguments:

  1. Font file path. Must be a ttf or otf file.
  2. Height in pixels.
  3. Output file path. Filename must have a .py extension.

Optional arguments:

  • -f or --fixed If specified, all characters will have the same width. By default fonts are assumed to be variable pitch.
  • -x or --xmap Specifies horizontal mapping (default is vertical).
  • -r or --reverse Specifies bit reversal in each font byte.
  • -s or --smallest Ordinal value of smallest character to be stored. Default 32 (ASCII space).
  • -l or --largest Ordinal value of largest character to be stored. Default 126.
  • -e or --errchar Ordinal value of character to be rendered if an attempt is made to display an out-of-range character. Default 63 (ASCII "?").
  • -c or --charset Option to restrict the characters in the font to a specific set. See below.
  • -k or --charset_file Obtain the character set from a file. Typical use is for alternative character sets such as Cyrillic: the file must contain the character set to be included. An example file is cyrillic.

The -c option may be used to reduce the size of the font file by limiting the character set. If the font file is frozen as bytecode this will not reduce RAM usage but it will conserve flash. Example usage for a digital clock font:

$ font_to_py.py Arial.ttf 20 arial_clock.py -c 1234567890:

Example usage with the -k option:

font_to_py.py FreeSans.ttf 20 freesans_cyr_20.py -k cyrillic

If a character set is specified, --smallest and --largest should not be specified: these values are computed from the character set.

Any requirement for arguments -xr will be specified in the device driver documentation. Bit reversal is required by some display hardware.

There have been reports that producing extended ASCII characters (ordinal value > 127) from ttf files is unreliable. If the expected results are not achieved, use an otf font. However I have successfully created the Cyrillic font from a ttf. Perhaps not all fonts are created equal...


The specified height is a target. The algorithm gets as close to the target height as possible (usually within one pixel). The actual height achieved is displayed on completion, along with the width of the widest character.

A warning is output if the output filename does not have a .py extension as the creation of a binary font file may not be intended.

The font file

Assume that the you have employed the utility to create a file myfont.py. In your code you will issue

import myfont

The myfont module name will then be used to instantiate a Writer object to render strings on demand. A practical example may be studied here. The detailed layout of the Python file may be seen here.

Binary font files

There is an option to create a binary font file, specified with a -b or --binary command line argument. In this instance the output filename must not have a .py extension. This is primarily intended for the e-paper driver in applications where the file is to be stored on the display's internal flash memory rather than using frozen Python modules.

The technique of accessing character data from a random access file is slow and thus probably only applicable to devices such as e-paper where the update time is slow.

Binary files currently support only the standard ASCII character set. There is no error character: the device driver must ensure that seeks are within range. Consequently the following arguments are invalid:

  • -s or --smallest
  • -l or --largest
  • -e or --errchar

Dependencies, links and licence

The code is released under the MIT licence. The font_to_py.py utility requires Python 3.2 or later.

The module relies on Freetype which is included in most Linux distributions.
It uses the Freetype Python bindings which will need to be installed.
My solution draws on the excellent example code written by Daniel Bader. This may be viewed here and here.

Appendix: RAM utilisation Test Results

The supplied freesans20.py and courier20.py files were frozen as bytecode on a Pyboard V1.0. The following code was pasted at the REPL:

import gc, micropython

import freesans20


import courier20


def foo():
    addr, height, width = freesans20.get_ch('a')


print(len(freesans20._font) + len(freesans20._index))

The memory used was 1712, 2032, 2384 and 2416 bytes. As increments over the prior state this corresponds to 320, 352 and 32 bytes. The print statement shows the RAM which would be consumed by the data arrays: this was 3956 bytes for freesans20.

The foo() function emulates the behaviour of a device driver in rendering a character to a display. The local variables constitute memory which is reclaimed on exit from the function. Its additional RAM use was 16 bytes.


With a font of height 20 pixels RAM saving was an order of magnitude. The saving will be greater if larger fonts are used as RAM usage is independent of the array sizes.