mediacms/docs/Add A Static Page To The Si...

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How To Add A Static Page To The Sidebar

1. Create your html page in templates/cms/

e.g. duplicate and rename about.html

sudo cp templates/cms/about.html templates/cms/volunteer.html

2. Create your css file in static/css/

touch static/css/volunteer.css

3. In your html file, update block headermeta to reflect your new page

{% block headermeta %}
<meta property="og:title" content="Volunteer - {{PORTAL_NAME}}">
<meta property="og:type" content="website">
<meta property="og:description" content="">
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">
<script type="application/ld+json">
	"@context": "",
	"@type": "BreadcrumbList",
	"itemListElement": [{
		"@type": "ListItem",
		"position": 1,
        "name": "{{PORTAL_NAME}}",
        "item": {
			"@type": "WebPage",
	        "@id": "{{FRONTEND_HOST}}"
		"@type": "ListItem",
		"position": 2,
        "name": "Volunteer",
        "item": {
			"@type": "VolunteerPage",
	        "@id": "{{FRONTEND_HOST}}/volunteer"
<link href="{% static "css/volunteer.css" %}" rel="stylesheet"/>
{% endblock headermeta %}

4. In your html file, update block innercontent to reflect your actual content

Write whatever you like.

5. In your css file, write matching styles for you html file.

Write whatever you like.

6. Add your view to files/

def volunteer(request):
    """Volunteer view"""
    context = {}
    return render(request, "cms/volunteer.html", context)

7. Add your url pattern to files/

urlpatterns = [
    url(r"^$", views.index),
    url(r"^about", views.about, name="about"),
    url(r"^volunteer", views.volunteer, name="volunteer"),

8. Add your page to the left sidebar

To add a link to your page as a menu item in the left sidebar, add the following code after the last line in _commons.js

/* Checks that a given selector has loaded. */
const checkElement = async selector => {
    while ( document.querySelector(selector) === null) {
      await new Promise( resolve =>  requestAnimationFrame(resolve) )
    return document.querySelector(selector); 

/* Checks that sidebar nav menu has loaded, then adds menu item. */
.then((element) => {
        var a = document.createElement('a');        
        a.href = "/volunteer";
        a.title = "Volunteer";
        var s = document.createElement('span');
        s.className = "menu-item-icon";

        var icon = document.createElement('i');
        icon.className = "material-icons";
        icon.setAttribute("data-icon", "people");

        var linkText = document.createTextNode("Volunteer");
        var t = document.createElement('span');


        var listItem = document.createElement('li');
        listItem.className = "link-item";

        //if signed out use 3rd nav-menu
        var elem = document.querySelector(".nav-menu:nth-child(3) nav ul"); 
        var loc = elem.innerText;
        if (loc.includes("About")){
          elem.insertBefore(listItem, elem.children[2]);
        } else { //if signed in use 4th nav-menu
          elem = document.querySelector(".nav-menu:nth-child(4) nav ul");
          elem.insertBefore(listItem, elem.children[2]);

9. Restart the mediacms web server

On docker:

sudo docker stop mediacms_web_1 && sudo docker start mediacms_web_1


sudo systemctl restart mediacms