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termap - Terminal Map Viewer
by Michael Strassburger <>
Simple pixel to barille character mapper
Implementation inspired by node-drawille (
* added color support
* added support for filled polygons
* added text label support
* general optimizations
-> more bit shifting/operations, less Math.floors
Will either be merged into node-drawille or become an own module at some point
module.exports = class BrailleBuffer
characterMap: [[0x1, 0x8],[0x2, 0x10],[0x4, 0x20],[0x40, 0x80]]
pixelBuffer: null
charBuffer: null
foregroundBuffer: null
backgroundBuffer: null
globalBackground: null
termReset: "\x1B[39;49m"
constructor: (@width, @height) ->
@pixelBuffer = new Buffer @width*@height/8
clear: ->
@pixelBuffer.fill 0
@charBuffer = []
@foregroundBuffer = []
@backgroundBuffer = []
setGlobalBackground: (@globalBackground) ->
setBackground: (x, y, color) ->
return unless 0 <= x < @width and 0 <= y < @height
idx = @_project x, y
@backgroundBuffer[idx] = color
setPixel: (x, y, color) ->
@_locate x, y, (idx, mask) =>
@pixelBuffer[idx] |= mask
@foregroundBuffer[idx] = color
unsetPixel: (x, y) ->
@_locate x, y, (idx, mask) =>
@pixelBuffer[idx] &= ~mask
_project: (x, y) ->
(x>>1) + (@width>>1)*(y>>2)
_locate: (x, y, cb) ->
return unless 0 <= x < @width and 0 <= y < @height
idx = @_project x, y
mask = @characterMap[y&3][x&1]
cb idx, mask
_termColor: (foreground, background) ->
background = background or @globalBackground
if foreground and background
else if foreground
else if background
frame: ->
output = []
currentColor = null
delimeter = "\n"
for idx in [0...@pixelBuffer.length]
output.push delimeter if idx and (idx % (@width/2)) is 0
if currentColor isnt colorCode = @_termColor @foregroundBuffer[idx], @backgroundBuffer[idx]
output.push currentColor = colorCode
output.push if @charBuffer[idx]
else if @pixelBuffer[idx] is 0
' '
String.fromCharCode 0x2800+@pixelBuffer[idx]
output.push @termReset+delimeter
output.join ''
setChar: (char, x, y, color) ->
return unless 0 <= x < @width and 0 <= y < @height
idx = @_project x, y
@charBuffer[idx] = char
@foregroundBuffer[idx] = color
writeText: (text, x, y, color, center = true) ->
x -= text.length/2+1 if center
@setChar text.charAt(i), x+i*2, y, color for i in [0...text.length]