
1.3 KiB

TODO / ideas

  • Visual feedback on button presses
  • support for previewing other formats by streaming through ffmpeg?
  • Slow scrub with modifier key
  • show frame number (approx?)
  • ffprobe show keyframes (pprobe -of json -select_streams v -show_frames file.mp4)
  • cutting out the commercials in a video file while saving the rest to a single file?
  • With the GOP structure of h.264 you could run into some pretty nasty playback issues without re-encoding if you cut the wrong frames out.
  • Shortcut Cmd+o also triggers o (cut end)
  • implement electron app event "open-file"
  • Travis github deploys https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment
  • react video ref="video" this.refs.video.play()
  • A dedicated "Options" menu where the users can set a default output folder for captured frames and for cut videos will also be handy, now lossless-cut uses the input folder.