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/*! ****************************************************************************
\page getting_started_codeblocks Build libdspl-2.0 by CodeBlocks IDE
\section sec_codeblocks Build libdspl-2.0 by CodeBlocks IDE
You must first install all the necessary utilities.
If this step is not done, see section:
\ref getting_started_toolchain
\subsection sec_codeblocks_download Download libdspl-2.0 source code
Download libdspl-2.0 source code from
<a href="">
\image html dspl_github.png
You can clone project by Git or just download zip-archive.
Unzip or clone project to the folder.
You can unzip to any directory, here `libdspl-2.0` will be
indicate the directory in which the source codes are unzipped.
As an example, the source codes were unzipped to
directory `J:\libdspl-2.0`.
\subsection sec_codeblocks_start Run CodeBlocks IDE and settings
Run CodeBlocks IDE and select menu`File -> Open`:
\image html codeblocks_1.png
Open `\libdspl-2.0\ide\codeblocks`,
here `libdspl-2.0` - directory into which the project was unzipped or cloned.
\image html codeblocks_2.png
Open `dspl.workspace` and select
`examples -> src -> dspl_info_test.c`.
Test program source code we can see in editor.
Test program links `libdspl.dll` and run `dspl_info` function.
\image html codeblocks_3.png
Before the first build of projects: you need to configure
CodeBlocks environment for working with the GCC compiler and debugger. \n
Open menu `Settings->Compiler`:
\image html codeblocks_4.png
Select `Global compiler settings` and `Toolchain executables`.
All fields of this window needs to fill as follow:
\image html codeblocks_5.png
Press `OK` window will be closed.
Next step is debugger configuration. Open menu `Settings->Debugger`:
\image html codeblocks_6.png
Select `GDB/CDB debugger -> Default` and all fields of this window
needs to fill as follow:
\image html codeblocks_7.png
Press `OK` and CodeBlocks is ready to working.
\subsection sec_codeblocks_compile Build librray and run test program
Run menu `Build -> Rebuild workspace`:
\image html codeblocks_8.png
If the dialogue with the question is opened, then we press `Yes`:
\image html codeblocks_9.png
As a result, the first compilation of the project will begin, which may take
few minutes because you need to compile for the first time
BLAS and LAPACK libraries. Subsequent builds will be faster
because only modified files will need to be recompiled.
Upon completion of the compilation, a message will appear
in the `Build log` field as in the picture:
\image html codeblocks_10.png
The project is ready and we just have to run the application:
\image html codeblocks_11.png
As a result, a console window will appear in which the function `dspl_info`
will display information about the libdspl library:
\image html codeblocks_12.png
CodeBlocks configuration and project compilation completed successfully.
***************************************************************************** */