Dsplib fd13aa502c Contour plot basic functions
Changes to be committed:
	modified:   dspl/src/gnuplot/contour2d.c
	new file:   dspl/src/gnuplot/contour2d.h
	new file:   dspl/src/gnuplot/contour2d_free.c
	new file:   dspl/src/gnuplot/contour2d_krn.c
	modified:   examples/src/contour_test.c
	modified:   include/dspl.c
	modified:   include/dspl.h
2024-01-09 23:07:12 +03:00
blas Changes to be committed: 2023-12-09 12:53:03 +03:00
doc Changes to be committed: 2020-07-08 23:28:59 +03:00
dox Changes to be committed: 2023-12-13 20:18:47 +03:00
ide Changes to be committed: 2023-12-09 12:53:03 +03:00
lapack Изменения, которые будут включены в коммит: 2023-12-20 23:07:39 +03:00
obj On branch master 2019-11-04 17:32:49 +03:00
src Contour plot basic functions 2024-01-09 23:07:12 +03:00
LICENSE changed project structure. Added CodeBlocks IDE projects 2019-10-27 21:09:21 +03:00
Makefile DSPL new makefile. 2023-12-18 22:14:00 +03:00
Makefile.back DSPL new makefile. 2023-12-18 22:14:00 +03:00