
1.4 KiB

title permalink last_modified_at toc preview_image
Chicken Little KOR /fonts/chicken_little/ 2024-04-20 false
url height
/assets/images/fonts/chicken_little_KOR_small.jpg 20
url height
/assets/images/fonts/chicken_little_KOR.jpg 53

{%- assign font = -%} Chicken Little KOR

Chicken Little


This font contains {{ font.glyphs.size }} glyphs:

{{ font.glyphs | sort | join: ' ' }}

{: .font-glyphs }


At 100%, this font is roughtly 35 mm high.

It may be scaled up to 200% (70 mm) or scaled down to 50% (18mm) .

Chicken Little KOR is a variation of this font with different embroidery settings. Pull compensation, density and underlays are different to allow to scale down between 45% (16mm, 2/3 inch) and 25% (9mm ,1/3 inch).

That's why in the lettering dialog window, if using Chicken Little KOR, you will have to pick up a scale between 25 and 55%.

Contrarily to Chicken Little KOR, Chicken Little KOR Small font MUST be embroidered with thread and needle smaller than usual. A USA 8 (EUR 60) size needle, and 60WT thread MUST be used.

In real life

{% include folder-galleries path="fonts/chicken_little/" %}

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