
1.0 KiB

title permalink last_modified_at toc preview_image
Cats /fonts/cats/ 2024-04-27 false
url height
/assets/images/fonts/cats.jpg 40

{%- assign font = -%}

{% include upcoming_release.html %}



This font contains {{ font.glyphs.size }} glyphs:

{{ font.glyphs | sort | join: ' ' }}

{: .font-glyphs }


At a scale of 100% this font has an approximate height of {{ font.size }} mm.

It can be scaled from {{ font.min_scale | times: 100 | floor }}% ({{ font.size | times: font.min_scale }} mm) up to {{ font.max_scale | times: 100 | floor }}% ({{ font.size | times: font.max_scale }} mm).

The cats' ruffled hairs are due to the addition of randomness parameters on the satin columns. For more relaxed cats, copy the setting of a non ranndom satin to all the random satins.

In real life

{% include folder-galleries path="fonts/cats/" %}

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