Rejbasket/pyinstaller fix installer checks (#2718)

* netowrkx deps added in build
* check for user inkscape config before installing
* get os version in exception
* update electron app location according to pyinstaller redesign
* fixed broken libgeos syslinks
* contents-directory added pyinstaller args fix broken linux and win versions
* updated inkex
* fix print_pdf


authored-by: rejbasket
rejbasket 2024-02-10 20:16:30 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 87d7fa387d
commit d929336f08
Nie znaleziono w bazie danych klucza dla tego podpisu
ID klucza GPG: B5690EEEBB952194
10 zmienionych plików z 87 dodań i 27 usunięć

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@ -72,7 +72,11 @@ jobs:
python -m pip install
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install pyinstaller==5.13.2
# for networkx
python -m pip install pandas
python -m pip install pyarrow
python -m pip install pyinstaller
# scipy gives us a ELF error when stripped
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ gfortran python3-dev libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev
@ -118,7 +122,10 @@ jobs:
python -m pip install scipy==1.9.0
pip install wxPython
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install pyinstaller==5.13.2
# for networkx
python -m pip install pandas
python -m pip install pyinstaller
echo "${{ env.pythonLocation }}\bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
- shell: bash
@ -166,7 +173,11 @@ jobs:
python -m pip install wheel
pip install wxPython
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install pyinstaller==5.13.2
# for networkx
python -m pip install pandas
python -m pip install pyarrow
python -m pip install pyinstaller
echo "${{ env.pythonLocation }}\bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
- shell: bash
@ -225,7 +236,11 @@ jobs:
pip install PyGObject
pip install wxPython
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install pyinstaller==5.13.2
# for networkx
pip install pandas
pip install pyarrow
pip install pyinstaller
echo "${{ env.pythonLocation }}/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
- shell: bash

Wyświetl plik

@ -8,8 +8,21 @@ if [ "$BUILD" = "osx" ]; then
# adding version to Info.plist
plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string ${VERSION} dist/
rm -rf dist/inkstitch/
# this removes the extra dylibs that cause notary to fail.
rm -rf dist/
# unlinking the libgeos and dot dylib folder syslinks and fix broken syslinks for notary.
# copying libgeos dylibs with ditto preserves information to pass notary.
unlink dist/
unlink dist/
unlink dist/
unlink dist/
unlink dist/
ditto dist/ dist/
ditto dist/ dist/
ditto dist/ dist/
ditto dist/ dist/
# Install location for pkgbuild
# Checking arch of macos and setting path of electron for arm64 or intel
@ -36,7 +49,7 @@ if [ "$BUILD" = "osx" ]; then
DEV_IDENT="Developer ID Application: Lex Neva (929A568N58)"
echo "Signing of"
# Coyping into inkstitch
ditto "${ELECTRON_BUILD_PATH}" dist/
ditto "${ELECTRON_BUILD_PATH}" dist/
# signing the binary may fix notary issue
/usr/bin/codesign -s "${DEV_IDENT}" \
--deep \
@ -92,7 +105,7 @@ if [ "$BUILD" = "osx" ]; then
# local builds will not be signed or notarized
cp -a "${ELECTRON_BUILD_PATH}" dist/
cp -a "${ELECTRON_BUILD_PATH}" dist/
pkgbuild --root dist/ \
--component-plist installer_scripts/inkstitch.plist \
--ownership recommended \

Wyświetl plik

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
set -e
info_year=$( date "+%Y" )
# PyInstaller v6.x rearranges folder configuration causing broken builds, This re-enables old onedir layout.
pyinstaller_args+="--contents-directory . "
# We need to use the precompiled bootloader linked with graphical Mac OS X
# libraries if we develop a GUI application for Mac:

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@

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@ -1,25 +1,13 @@
set -e
inkstitch_folder=($HOME/Library/Application\ Support/org.inkscape.Inkscape/config/inkscape/extensions/inkstitch)
# Checking if Inkscape is installed
if [[ -d "${location_inkscape}" ]]; then
echo "Inkscape is found and installed "${location_Inkscape}"."
osascript <<-AppleScript
set theDialogText to "Ink/Stich is an Inkscape plugin. Please install and run Inkscape before installing Ink/Stitch."
display dialog theDialogText buttons {"Okay"} default button "Okay"
exit 1
# Checking if Inkscape configuration folders are created
if [[ -d "${inkstitch_folder%config*}" ]]; then
echo "Inkscape configs are found and installed "${inkstitch_folder%config*}"."
osascript <<-AppleScript
set theDialogText to "Please run Inkscape before installing Ink/Stitch."
set theDialogText to "Ink/Stich is an Inkscape plugin. Please install and run Inkscape before installing Ink/Stitch."
display dialog theDialogText buttons {"Okay"} default button "Okay"
exit 1

Wyświetl plik

@ -118,6 +118,20 @@ begin
Result := 1;
{ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }
function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
Result := True;
if DirExists(ExpandConstant('{userappdata}\inkscape\extensions\')) then
Log('Found Inks')
MsgBox('Error: Inkscape Extensions folder not found! Install and then run Inkscape to create the extension folder.', mbInformation, MB_OK);
Result := False;
{ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }
procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);

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@ -3,12 +3,38 @@
# Copyright (c) 2010 Authors
# Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details.
import traceback
import sys
import platform
import subprocess
from glob import glob
class InkstitchException(Exception):
def get_os_version():
if sys.platform == "win32":
# To get the windows version, python functions are used
# Using python subprocess with cmd.exe in windows is currently a security risk
os_ver = "Windows " + platform.release() + " version: " + platform.version()
if sys.platform == "darwin":
# macOS command line progam provides accurate info than python functions
mac_v =["sw_vers"], capture_output=True, text=True)
os_ver = str(mac_v.stdout.strip())
if sys.platform == "linux":
# Getting linux version method used here is for systemd and nonsystemd linux.
ltmp =["cat"] + glob("/etc/*-release"), capture_output=True, text=True)
lnx_ver = ltmp.stdout.splitlines()
lnx_ver = str(list(filter(lambda x: "PRETTY_NAME" in x, lnx_ver)))
os_ver = lnx_ver[15:][:-3]
except FileNotFoundError:
os_ver = "Cannot get Linux distro version"
return os_ver
def format_uncaught_exception():
"""Format the current exception as a request for a bug report.
@ -30,7 +56,9 @@ def format_uncaught_exception():
"- create a new issue at")
message += "\n\n"
message += _("Include the error description and also (if possible) the svg file.")
message += '\n\n\n'
message += '\n\n'
message += get_os_version()
message += '\n\n'
message += version.get_inkstitch_version() + '\n'
message += traceback.format_exc()

Wyświetl plik

@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ class Print(InkstitchExtension):
# for all color blocks together.
layers = svg.findall("./g[@%s='layer']" % INKSCAPE_GROUPMODE)
stitch_plan_layer = svg.find(".//*[@id='__inkstitch_stitch_plan__']")
stitch_plan_layer = svg.findone(".//*[@id='__inkstitch_stitch_plan__']")
# Make sure there is no leftover translation from stitch plan preview

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@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ def color_block_to_paths(color_block, svg, destination, visual_commands):
def render_stitch_plan(svg, stitch_plan, realistic=False, visual_commands=True):
layer = svg.find(".//*[@id='__inkstitch_stitch_plan__']")
layer = svg.findone(".//*[@id='__inkstitch_stitch_plan__']")
if layer is None:
layer = inkex.Group(attrib={
'id': '__inkstitch_stitch_plan__',

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# get up to date inkex version (October 23 2023)
inkex @ git+
# get up to date inkex version (Febuary 10, 2024)
inkex @ git+