add pull_compensation_percent

Claudine 2022-11-06 10:49:25 -05:00 zatwierdzone przez George Steel
rodzic ea13c42997
commit 4285a6fb7f
2 zmienionych plików z 52 dodań i 7 usunięć

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@ -132,6 +132,18 @@ class SatinColumn(EmbroideryElement):
# peak-to-peak distance between zigzags
return max(self.get_float_param("zigzag_spacing_mm", 0.4), 0.01)
_('Pull compensation percentage'),
tooltip=_('pull compensation in percentage'),
def pull_compensation_percent(self):
# pull compensation as a percentage of the width
return max(self.get_int_param("pull_compensation_percent", 0), 0)
@ -147,6 +159,18 @@ class SatinColumn(EmbroideryElement):
# wider than we desire the column to end up.
return self.get_float_param("pull_compensation_mm", 0)
_('Apply pull compensation to '),
tooltip=_('decide wether the pull compensations should be applied to both side or only to a given one'),
options=[_("Both rails"), _("First rail only"), _("Second rail only")],
def pull_compensation_rails(self):
# 0=Both | 1 = First Rail | 2 = Second Rail
return self.get_int_param("pull_compensation_rails", 0)
@param('contour_underlay', _('Contour underlay'), type='toggle', group=_('Contour Underlay'))
def contour_underlay(self):
@ -619,11 +643,16 @@ class SatinColumn(EmbroideryElement):
center_walk, _ = self.plot_points_on_rails(self.zigzag_spacing, -100000)
return shgeo.LineString(center_walk)
def offset_points(self, pos1, pos2, offset_px):
def offset_points(self, pos1, pos2, offset, offset_percent=0, offset_rails=0):
# Expand or contract two points about their midpoint. This is
# useful for pull compensation and insetting underlay.
distance = (pos1 - pos2).length()
offset_px = 0
if offset:
offset_px += offset
if offset_percent:
offset_px += ((offset_percent / 100) * distance)
if distance < 0.0001:
# if they're the same point, we don't know which direction
@ -634,8 +663,21 @@ class SatinColumn(EmbroideryElement):
if offset_px < -distance / 2.0:
offset_px = -distance / 2.0
pos1 = pos1 + (pos1 - pos2).unit() * offset_px
pos2 = pos2 + (pos2 - pos1).unit() * offset_px
# chose how to apply on the rails
coeff1 = 1
coeff2 = 1
if offset_rails == 1:
coeff1 = 2
coeff2 = 0
if offset_rails == 2:
coeff1 = 0
coeff2 = 2
pos1 = pos1 + (pos1 - pos2).unit() * offset_px * coeff1
pos2 = pos2 + (pos2 - pos1).unit() * offset_px * coeff2
return pos1, pos2
@ -672,13 +714,13 @@ class SatinColumn(EmbroideryElement):
distance_remaining -= segment_length
pos = segment_end
def plot_points_on_rails(self, spacing, offset):
def plot_points_on_rails(self, spacing, offset, offset_percent=0, offset_rails=0):
# Take a section from each rail in turn, and plot out an equal number
# of points on both rails. Return the points plotted. The points will
# be contracted or expanded by offset using self.offset_points().
def add_pair(pos0, pos1):
pos0, pos1 = self.offset_points(pos0, pos1, offset)
pos0, pos1 = self.offset_points(pos0, pos1, offset, offset_percent, offset_rails)
@ -836,7 +878,8 @@ class SatinColumn(EmbroideryElement):
# print >> dbg, "satin", self.zigzag_spacing, self.pull_compensation
patch = StitchGroup(color=self.color)
sides = self.plot_points_on_rails(self.zigzag_spacing, self.pull_compensation)
sides = self.plot_points_on_rails(self.zigzag_spacing, self.pull_compensation, self.pull_compensation_percent,
if self.max_stitch_length:
return self.do_split_stitch(patch, sides)
@ -866,7 +909,7 @@ class SatinColumn(EmbroideryElement):
patch = StitchGroup(color=self.color)
sides = self.plot_points_on_rails(self.zigzag_spacing, self.pull_compensation)
sides = self.plot_points_on_rails(self.zigzag_spacing, self.pull_compensation, self.pull_compensation_percent, self.pull_compensation_rails)
# "left" and "right" here are kind of arbitrary designations meaning
# a point from the first and second rail respectively

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@ -116,6 +116,8 @@ inkstitch_attribs = [
# stitch_plan