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Horus Binary 4FSK Transmit Example, using RadioLib

This repository contains a worked example of generating and transmitting Horus Binary v1 and v2 high-altitude balloon telemetry packets on an Arduino-compatible platform, using RadioLib.

This is not a complete high-altitude-balloon tracker codebase, just an example of generating and transmitting Horus Binary packets, for integration into other codebases.

This example uses a Semtech SX1278-compatible radio module (in my case, a HopeRF RFM98W), connected to an Arduino-compatible microcontroller (I used a Seeduino Mega 2560 because it would do 3.3v logic levels). In my case, the module has the usual SPI connections, and the following other pins are used:

  • NSS pin: 10
  • DIO0 pin: 2
  • RESET pin: 9
  • DIO1 pin: 3



Compiling this Example

It should be possible to just open the horusbinary_radiolib.ino file in the Arduino IDE, select your target platform, and compile/flash.

Note that I am using some AVR-specific CRC16 libraries (util/crc16.h), which will probably need to be replaced for use on other platforms (refer util.ino).


  • Split out Horus-specific code into separate files, for easier integration into other codebases.