Michal Fratczak 1973eea6ce Update README 2021-06-10 11:43:55 +02:00
README.md Update README 2021-06-10 11:43:55 +02:00




webUI is a HabBoy GUI in a web browser:

  • connects to data_server for payload telemetry
  • displays any nuber HabDec interfaces
  • displays OSM map with payload and HabBoy location
  • displays google map with navigation route
  • displays graphs and gauges with telemetry using highcharts.js
  • Displays Habitat SSDV


webUI should be server with any web server, ie. apache. Opening index.html directly from disk might not work due to CORS restrictions.

For testing, you can start simple python server:

cd webUI/code
python -m http.server 80

Then open browser and go to http://localhost

For example, if you use apache: ln -s ~/habboy/webUI/code /var/www/html/habboy

Web UI is then available under URL http://habboy/habboy

User Interface

User Interface is divided in two parts. At the bottom is status bar. Rest of the UI area is many tabs(Habdec, maps, etc.) that can be switched with buttons at right side of screen.

Status Bar

status bar is located at the bottom of the screen.

First line displays payload information:

  • callsign
  • altitude [max altitude]
  • ascent rate m/s
  • horizontal speed km/h
  • GPS fix age (time since last GPS fix)
  • last payload sentence age

Color of the payload line has meaning:

  • green - 0-60 seconds age
  • orange - 60-120 seconds age
  • red - more than 120 seconds age

Second line displays information about HabBoy device:

  • distance to payload
  • payload elevation
  • azimuth to payload
  • HabBoy vehuicle speed km/h
  • GPS fix age
  • GPS packet age


Right side of screen is a column of buttons. Each button is a tab. Custom tabs can be added by editing HABBOY.js file.

Tab - HabDec

HabBoy can display multiple HabDec interfaces, one per radio/connection. Each instance will have it's own TAB named Radio XXX, where XXX is last octed of HabDec IP address.

To install HabDec into HabBoy, create symlink (or copy):

cd ./habboy_sw/webUI
ln -s ~/habdec/code/webClient ./habdec_gui

To add new habBoy TAB, open URL: http://habboy:8888/habboy/api/v1/habdec/add/ Where is addr:port oh running habdec websocketServer.

Tab - Map

Tab Map is OpenStreetMap vetor tiles map with location of payload, HabBoy device and predicted land spot.

To work correctly you must:

  • install cusf and wind data as described in data_server
  • prepare and install vector tiles as described here

Tab - Google Maps

To enable, edit webUI\code\js\HB_google_map.js file and fill your google API key in GMAPS_API_KEY variable.

You can uncomment HG_GoogleMap_NavigationUpdate() function call to enable google navigation. This needs more work however and is a mere experiment now.

Tab - Control

Various HabBoy settings.


Copy payload lat,lon to clipboard

Chase Car

Upload HabBoy GPS position to Habitat (as chasecar)


Select payload to track. These are payloads saved in data_server DB.

Device -> habdec_start / habdec_stop

start/stop HabDec daemon

Device -> spy_start / spy_stop

start/stop SpyServer daemon

Device -> restart

restart all daemons (habboy and habdec)

Device -> reboot

reboot computer

Device -> halt

stop computer

Directory Structure

Below is an example dir structure of /var/www/html

~  www tree -d -l -L 4 .
└── html
    ├── habboy -> /home/pi/share/dev/habboy/habboy_sw/webUI/code
    │   ├── css
    │   ├── habdec_gui -> /home/pi/share/dev/habdec/habdec/code/webClient
    │   │   ├── css
    │   │   └── js
    │   ├── img
    │   └── js
    │       └── highcharts
    ├── osm
    │   ├── font -> /home/pi/share/data/osm/font/klokantech/font
    │   │   ├── Klokantech Noto Sans Bold
    │   │   ├── ...
    │   │   └── Roboto Thin-Italic
    │   └── tiles -> /home/pi/share/data/osm/tiles
    │       ├── admin
    │       ├── aeroway
    │       ├── buildings
    │       ├── labels
    │       ├── landuse
    │       ├── roads
    │       └── water
    └── ssdv
        └── gallery