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Tools for computing various statistics related to Geocaching/Opencaching
### Usage
Usage: [-p] [-g file] [-MDHh]
Generate stats from Opencaching data or GPX files.
* Data source:
-p use
-u user user for Opencaching
-g file use specified gpx file
* Output:
-M print geographically extreme caches
-D print furthest and closest caches
-H file render a heat map to a file
-s n stamp size for a heat map (default = 15)
-L print all caches
-T print D/T matrix
-h display this help screen
### Installation
To compile it requires:
* C++20 compliler (e.g. GCC-9 or Clang-8).
* meson (at least 0.47.0) + ninja build system
* libcurl
* JSON for Modern C++:
* gpxlib:
* ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick Magick++ library
To build the project run `meson build; cd build; ninja`. You might need to set `CXX` variable to point to a correct compiler.
### Credits
Map of Poland `Poland.png` comes from `` and is licenced under CC-BY-SA and GNU FDL.
Map of Poland `Poland_relief.png` comes from `` and is licenced under CC-BY-SA.