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# Follow a library
Follow a library to get access to its content. There are two ways to follow a library:
## Use a sharing link
If you've received a sharing link, you can use this to follow a library. To do this:
:::{tab-item} Desktop
:sync: desktop
1. Log in to your pod.
2. Select the upload icon ({fa}`upload`) in the top of the sidebar.
3. Select {guilabel}`Get started` under {guilabel}`Follow remote libraries`. A screen appears showing you the libraries you are following.
4. Paste the sharing link into the {guilabel}`Search a remote library` search bar.
5. Select the {guilabel}`Search` icon or hit {kbd}`⏎ Return` to search for the library. If the library exists, a library card appears.
6. Select {guilabel}`Follow` on the library card. If the library's privacy level is {guilabel}`Nobody except me`, the owner needs to approve the request.
:::{tab-item} Mobile
:sync: mobile
1. Log in to your pod.
2. Select the upload icon ({fa}`upload`) at the top of the screen
3. Select {guilabel}`Get started` under {guilabel}`Follow remote libraries`. A screen appears showing you the libraries you are following.
4. Paste the sharing link into the {guilabel}`Search a remote library` search bar.
5. Select the {guilabel}`Search` icon or hit {kbd}`⏎ Return` to search for the library. If the library exists, a library card appears.
6. Select {guilabel}`Follow` on the library card. If the library's privacy level is {guilabel}`Nobody except me`, the owner needs to approve the request.
That's it! The server then scans the content and you can see it on your {term}`pod`.
## Follow from content on your pod
You can only follow a library from content pages if its privacy level is not {guilabel}`Nobody except me`.
If a user on your {term}`pod` has already followed a library, you can find it by selecting content from that library. To do this:
1. Log in to your pod.
2. Select a track, album, or artist from the library you want to follow.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the page. The library card appears in the {guilabel}`User libraries` section.
4. Select {guilabel}`Follow` on the library card.
You're done! The content will remain on the server even if the other user stops following the library.