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Change your activity visibility

Your activity visibility determines who can see your listening activity on Funkwhale. There are three visibility options:

  • Nobody except me – only you can see your listening activity.
  • Everyone on this instance – users who have an account on the same {term}pod as you can see your listening activity.
  • Everyone, across all instances – anybody can see your listening activity.

To change your activity visibility:


:::{tab-item} Desktop :sync: desktop

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Select the cog icon ({fa}cog) or your avatar to expand the user menu.
  3. Select {guilabel}Settings.
  4. Find {guilabel}Activity visibility in the {guilabel}Account settings section.
  5. Select your visibility level from the dropdown menu.
  6. Select {guilabel}Update settings to save your changes.


:::{tab-item} Mobile :sync: mobile

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Select the cog icon ({fa}cog) or your avatar to open the {guilabel}Options menu.
  3. Select {guilabel}Settings.
  4. Find {guilabel}Activity visibility in the {guilabel}Account settings section.
  5. Select your visibility level from the dropdown menu.
  6. Select {guilabel}Update settings to save your changes.

::: ::::

That's it! You've updated your activity visibility. This change takes effect as soon as you update your settings.