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Listen to a radio

You can only listen to content in libraries you have access to. For more information, see [Follow a library](../libraries/follow_library).

You can listen to your radios or public radios created by other users of your {term}pod.


Listen to your radios

To listen to radios you created:

1. Select {menuselection}`My Library --> Radios` in the sidebar. The {guilabel}`Browsing radios` screen opens.
2. Use the filters in the {guilabel}`User radios` section to search for your radio.
3. Select {guilabel}`Play radio` on your radio to start playing the content.

1. Select the hamburger menu ({fa}`bars`) to open the menu bar.
2. Select {menuselection}`My Library --> Radios`. The {guilabel}`Browsing radios` screen opens.
3. Use the filters in the {guilabel}`User radios` section to search for your radio.
4. Select {guilabel}`Play radio` on your radio to start playing the content.

You're done! Your radio starts playing.

Listen to public radios from your pod

To listen to public radios other users created:

1. Select {menuselection}`Explore --> Radios` in the sidebar. The {guilabel}`Browsing radios` screen opens.
2. Use the filters in the {guilabel}`User radios` section to search for a radio.
3. Select {guilabel}`Play radio` on the selected radio to start playing the content.

1. Select the hamburger menu ({fa}`bars`) to open the menu bar.
2. Select {menuselection}`Explore --> Radios`. The {guilabel}`Browsing radios` screen opens.
3. Use the filters in the {guilabel}`User radios` section to search for a radio.
4. Select {guilabel}`Play radio` on the selected radio to start playing the content.

That's it! The radio starts playing.

Stop a radio

Radios continue to play until there is no more content matching their criteria. You can stop radios whenever you want. To do this:

1. Select the up arrow ({fa}`caret-up`) on the queue menu to expand the [queue](../queue/
2. Select {guilabel}`Stop Radio` at the bottom of the queue.

1. Select the player bar at the bottom of the screen to expand the player.
2. Select the up arrow ({fa}`caret-up`) on the queue menu to expand the [queue](../queue/
3. Select {guilabel}`Stop Radio` at the bottom of the queue.

That's it! The radio stops playing. The radio's content remains in the queue.