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Develop using Docker

Funkwhale can be run in Docker containers for local development. You can work on any part of the Funkwhale codebase and run the container setup to test your changes. To work with Docker:

  1. Install Docker

  2. Install docker-compose

  3. Clone the Funkwhale repository to your system. The develop branch is checked out by default


    :::{tab-item} SSH

    git clone
    cd funkwhale


    :::{tab-item} HTTPS

    git clone
    cd funkwhale



Set up your Docker environment

Funkwhale provides a `dev.yml` file that contains the required docker-compose setup. You need to pass the `-f dev.yml` flag you run docker-compose commands to ensure it uses this file. If you don't want to add this each time, you can export it as a `COMPOSE_FILE` variable:

export COMPOSE_FILE=dev.yml

To set up your Docker environment:

  1. Create a .env file to enable customization of your setup.

    touch .env
  2. Add the following variables to load images and enable access to Django admin pages:

  3. Create a network for federation support

    docker network create federation

Once you've set everything up, you need to build the containers. Run this command any time there are upstream changes or dependency changes to ensure you're up-to-date.

docker-compose -f dev.yml build

Set up the database

Funkwhale relies on a postgresql database to store information. To set this up, you need to run the migrate command:

docker-compose -f dev.yml run --rm api python migrate

This command creates all the required tables. You need to run this whenever there are changes to the API schema. You can run this at any time without causing issues.

Set up local data

You need to create some local data to mimic a production environment.

  1. Create a superuser so you can log in to your local app:

    docker-compose -f dev.yml run --rm api pythong createsuperuser
  2. Add some fake data to populate the database. The following command creates 25 artists with random albums, tracks, and metadata.

    artists=25 # Adds 25 fake artists
    command="from import fake_data; fake_data.create_data($artists)"
    echo $command | docker-compose -f dev.yml run --rm -T api python shell -i python

Manage services

Once you have set up your containers, bring them up to start working on them.

  1. Compile the translations:

    docker-compose -f dev.yml run --rm front yarn run i18n-compile
  2. Launch all services:

    docker-compose -f dev.yml up front api nginx celeryworker

This gives you access to the following:

  • The Funkwhale webapp on http://localhost:8000
  • The Funkwhale API on http://localhost:8000/api/v1
  • The Django admin interface on http://localhost:8000/api/admin

Once you're done with the containers, you can stop them all:

docker-compose -f dev.yml stop

If you want to destroy your containers, run the following:

docker-compose -f dev.yml down -v

Set up federation support

Working on federation features requires some additional setup. You need to do the following:

  1. Update your DNS resolver to resolve all your .dev hostnames locally
  2. Set up a reverse proxy (such as traefik) to catch .dev requests with a TLS certificate
  3. Set up two or more local instances

To resolve hostnames locally, run the following:


:::{tab-item} dnsmasq

echo "address=/test/" | sudo tee /etc/dnsmasq.d/test.conf
sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq


:::{tab-item} NetworkManager

echo "address=/test/" | sudo tee /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/test.conf
sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager



To add a wildcard certificate, copy the test certificate from the docker/ssl folder. This certificate is a wildcard for *.funkwhale.test

sudo cp docker/ssl/test.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
sudo update-ca-certificates

To run a reverse proxy for your app:

  1. Add the following configuration to your .env file:

    # Remove any port binding so you can specify this per-instance
    # Disable certificate validation
    # Ensure all links use https
    # Disable host ports binding for the nginx container so that traefik handles everything
  2. Launch traefik using the bundled configuration:

    docker-compose -f docker/traefik.yml up -d
  3. Set up as many different projects as you need. Make sure the COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME and VUE_PORT variables are unique per instance

    export COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=node2
    export VUE_PORT=1234  # this has to be unique for each instance
    docker-compose -f dev.yml run --rm api python migrate
    docker-compose -f dev.yml run --rm api python createsuperuser
    docker-compose -f dev.yml up nginx api front nginx api celeryworker

You can access your project at https://{COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}.funkwhale.test.