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# API authentication
Funkwhale uses the OAuth [authorization grant flow]( for external apps. This flow is a secure way to authenticate apps that requires a user's explicit consent to perform actions.
%%{init: { 'sequence': {'mirrorActors': false} } }%%
accTitle: "Funkwhale OAuth token flow"
accDescr: "A sequence diagram showing how apps authenticate with Funkwhale"
actor User
participant A as Application
participant F as Funkwhale web interface
participant T as Token endpoint
User ->> A: Log in to Funkwhale
A ->> F: Direct to login screen
F -->> User: Authenticate this app?
User ->> F: Confirm
F -->> A: Authorization code
A ->> T: Authorization code and redirect URI
T -->> A: Access token and refresh token
loop Refresh
A ->> T: Refresh token
T -->> A: Access token
```{contents} Steps
## 1. Create an application
To connect to the Funkwhale API using OAuth, you need to create an **application**. This represents the entity credentials are related to.
When creating an application you need to define the [**scopes**]( the application has access to. Scopes define what information your application can access. Each scope can be granted with the following rights:
- `read:<scope>`: grants read-only access to the resource
- `write:<scope>`: grants write-only access to the resource
`read` rights are required to fetch information using a `GET` request. All other actions (`POST`, `PATCH`, `PUT`, and `DELETE`) require `write` priviliges. You may give an application **both** `read` and `write` access to any scope.
:header-rows: 1
* - Scope
- Description
* - `read`
- Read-only access to all data
* - `write`
- Read-only access to all data
* - `<read/write>:profile`
- Access to profile data (email address, username, etc.)
* - `<read/write>:libraries`
- Access to library data (uploads, libraries, tracks, albums, artists, etc.)
* - `<read/write>:favorites`
- Access to favorites
* - `<read/write>:listenings`
- Access to history
* - `<read/write>:follows`
- Access to followers
* - `<read/write>:playlists`
- Access to playlists
* - `<read/write>:radios`
- Access to radios
* - `<read/write>:filters`
- Access to content filters
* - `<read/write>:notifications`
- Access to notifications
* - `<read/write>:edits`
- Access to metadata edits
Next, you need to define a [**Redirect URI**]( This is the location the user is redirected to once they authenticate your app. This can be any URI you want.
Funkwhale supports the `urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob` redirect URI for non-web applications. If you use this URI, the user is shown a token to copy and paste.
Once you've decided on your scopes and your redirect URI, you can create your app using one of the following methods:
1. Visit `/settings/applications/new` on your Funkwhale pod while logged in
2. Send a `POST` request to `/api/v1/oauth/apps`. See our [API documentation]( for more information
Both methods return a [**client ID**]( and a [**secret**](
## 2. Get an authorization code
Authorization codes are only valid for 5 minutes after the user approves the request.
You need an [**authorization code**]( to request an access token for your user. This code confirms to the server that a user has authorized access to their account.
To fetch an authorization code, you need to send the user to their Funkwhale pod to authenticate. This sends an [authorization request]( to the server.
To do this, call the `/authorize` endpoint with the following URL encoded query parameters:
- `client_id`* - Your application's client ID
- `response_type`* - Must be set to `code`.
- `redirect_uri` - Your redirect URI
- `scope` - A list of scopes
- `state` - Used to maintain state between the request and the callback to prevent cross-site request forgery. Typically corresponds with a location in the app (e.g. `/library`)
Here is an example URL: ``.
When the user authorizes your app, the server responds with an authorization code. See [the OAuth spec]( for more information about this response.
## 3. Get an access token
Once you receive your authorization code, you need to [request an access token]( To request an access token, call the `/api/v1/oauth/token` endpoint with the following information:
- `grant_type`* - Must be set to `authorization_code`
- `code`* - Your application's authorization code
- `redirect_uri`* - Your redirect URI
- `client_id`* Your application's client ID
The server responds with an [`access_token`]( and a [`refresh_token`]( See [the OAuth spec]( for more information about this response.
You can use this token to authenticate calls from your application to the Funkwhale API by passing it as a request header with the following format: `Authorization: Bearer <token>`.
## 4. Refresh your access token
When you refresh your token the endpoint returns a new `refresh_token`. You must update your refresh token each time you request a new access token.
By default, Funkwhale access tokens are valid for **10 hours**. Pod admins can configure this by setting the `ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_SECONDS` variable in their `.env` file.
After the access token expires, you must request a new access token by calling the `/api/v1/oauth/token` endpoint with the following information:
- `grant_type`* - Must be set to `refresh_token`
- `refresh_token`* - Your current refresh token
- `scope` - A list of scopes
See [the OAuth spec]( for more information about this response.