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# Install Funkwhale using Docker
Funkwhale is available as a containerized application. This enables you to run each service in containers rather than install them on your server. You can run Funkwhale using [Docker]( and Docker-Compose.
This guide assumes you are using a [Debian]( system.
## Before you begin
- Set a `FUNKWHALE_VERSION` variable to the version you want to install. You will use this version for all commands in this guide.
export FUNKWHALE_VERSION={sub-ref}`version`
- Install [Docker]( and [Docker Compose](
- Install `curl`.
```{code} bash
sudo apt update # update apt cache
sudo apt install curl
## 1. Download the project files
1. Create the project directory structure.
```{code} bash
mkdir /srv/funkwhale /srv/funkwhale/nginx
2. Navigate to the project directory
```{code} bash
cd /srv/funkwhale
3. Download the `docker-compose` template. This contains information about the containers and how they work together.
```{code} bash
curl -L -o /srv/funkwhale/docker-compose.yml "${FUNKWHALE_VERSION}/deploy/docker-compose.yml"
That's it! You've set up your project files.
## 2. Set up your environment file
The environment file contains options you can use to control your Funkwhale pod. Follow these steps to get a working environment up and running.
1. Download the `.env` template to your `/srv/funkwhale` directory.
```{code} bash
curl -L -o /srv/funkwhale/.env "${FUNKWHALE_VERSION}/deploy/"
2. Update `FUNKWHALE_VERSION` in the `.env` file to the `$FUNKWHALE_VERSION` variable you set earlier.
```{code} bash
3. Reduce the permissions on your `.env` file to `600`. This means that only your user can read and write this file.
```{code} bash
chmod 600 /srv/funkwhale/.env
4. Generate a secret key for Django. This keeps your Funkwhale data secure. Do not share this key with anybody.
```{code} bash
openssl rand -base64 45
5. Open the `.env` file in a text editor. For this example, we will use `nano`.
```{code} bash
nano /srv/funkwhale/.env
6. Update the following settings:
- Paste the secret key in the `DJANGO_SECRET_KEY` field.
- Populate the `FUNKWHALE_HOSTNAME` field with the URL of your server.
7. Hit {kbd}`ctrl + x` then {kbd}`y` to save the file and close `nano`.
You're done! Your environment file is now ready to go. You can check out a full list of configuration options in our Environment file guide.
## 3. Set up Funkwhale
Once you've filled in your environment file, you can set up Funkwhale. Follow these steps to create your database and create a superuser.
1. Pull the containers to download all the required services.
```{code} bash
cd /srv/funkwhale
docker-compose pull
2. Bring up the database container so you can run the database migrations.
```{code} bash
docker-compose up -d postgres
3. Run the database migrations.
```{code} bash
docker-compose run --rm api python migrate
You may see the following warning when applying migrations:
"Your models have changes that are not yet reflected in a migration, and so won't be applied."
You can safely ignore this warning.
4. Create your superuser.
```{code} bash
docker-compose run --rm api python createsuperuser
5. Launch all the containers to bring up your pod.
```{code} bash
docker-compose up -d
That's it! Your Funkwhale pod is now up and running.
## 4. Set up your reverse proxy
Funkwhale uses a reverse proxy to serve content to users. We use [Nginx]( to serve this proxy. Follow this guide to install an Nginx configuration using details from your `.env` file.
1. Install Nginx.
```{code} bash
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nginx
2. Download the Nginx templates from Funkwhale.
```{code} bash
sudo curl -L -o /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf "$FUNKWHALE_VERSION/deploy/funkwhale_proxy.conf"
sudo curl -L -o /etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.template "$FUNKWHALE_VERSION/deploy/docker.proxy.template"
3. Create an Nginx template with details from your `.env` file.
```{code} bash
# Log in to a root shell.
sudo su
# Create an Nginx configuration using the Funkwhale template with details from your `.env` file.
set -a && source /srv/funkwhale/.env && set +a
envsubst "`env | awk -F = '{printf \" $%s\", $$1}'`" \
< /etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.template \
> /etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.conf
# Enable the configuration so that Nginx serves it.
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
# Exit the root shell.
That's it! You've created your Nginx file. Run the following command to check the `.env` details populated correctly.
```{code} bash
grep '${' /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/funkwhale.conf
## 5. Set up TLS
To enable your users to connect to your pod securely, you need to set up {abbr}`TLS (Transport Layer Security)`. To do this, we recommend using the <> script.
1. Log in as the superuser account to run these commands.
```{code} bash
2. Create the `/etc/certs` folder to store the certificates.
```{code} bash
mkdir /etc/certs
3. Download and run ``. Replace `` with your email address.
```{code} bash
curl | sh -s
4. Generate a certificate. Replace `` with your Funkwhale pod name. Use `/srv/funkwhale/front` as your web root folder.
```{code} bash --issue -d -w /srv/funkwhale/front
5. Install the certificate to your Nginx config. Replace `` with your Funkwhale pod name.
```{code} bash --install-cert -d \
--key-file /etc/certs/key.pem \
--fullchain-file /etc/certs/cert.pem \
--reloadcmd "service nginx force-reload"
That's it! renews your certificate every 60 days, so you don't need to worry about renewing it.