
2.0 KiB

Add tracks to your favorites

You can add tracks to your favorites list at any time. There are a few ways you can add tracks to your favorites:


Add the currently playing track

To add the currently playing track to your favorites, do one of the following:


:::{tab-item} Desktop :sync: desktop

  • Select the gray heart icon ({fa}heart) on the player bar. The heart turns pink to show that the track is in your favorites.
  • Hit the {kbd}l key on your keyboard. The heart icon on the player turns pink to show that the track is in your favorites.


:::{tab-item} Mobile :sync: mobile

  • Select the player at the bottom of the screen to expand it. Select the gray heart icon ({fa}heart) under the track art. The heart turns pink to show that the track is in your favorites.

::: ::::

That's all there is to it! The currently playing track is now in your favorites list.

Add a track from a track table

You can favorite tracks on any page with a track table. This includes artist pages, album pages, and the search page. To favorite tracks on the track table:


:::{tab-item} Desktop :sync: desktop

  1. Find your track in a track table.
  2. Hover over the track row. A gray heart icon ({fa}heart) appears.
  3. Select the heart icon. The heart turns pink to show that the track is in your favorites.


:::{tab-item} Mobile :sync: mobile

  1. Find your track in a track table.
  2. Tap on the kebab menu ({fa}ellipsis-v) on the track row. The track menu opens.
  3. Select {guilabel}Add to favorites. The heart turns pink to show that the track is in your favorites.

::: ::::

You're done! The track is in your favorites.

Add a track from the track details page

You can add a track to your favorites from its details page. To do this:

  1. Go to the track's details page.
  2. Select the gray heart icon ({fa}heart) at the top of the screen. The heart turns pink to show that the track is in your favorites.

That's it! The track is in your favorites.