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# Install Funkwhale on Debian
We support [Debian]( and Debian-based Linux distributions. Follow these steps to set up Funkwhale on a Debian server.
:depth: 1
## Before you begin
- Set a `FUNKWHALE_VERSION` variable to the version you want to install. You will use this version for all commands in this guide.
export FUNKWHALE_VERSION={sub-ref}`version`
- Install `curl`
```{code-block} sh
sudo apt update # update apt cache
sudo apt install curl
## 1. Install Funkwhale dependencies
To install Funkwhale on your server, you first need to install its dependencies. We provide all dependencies in a single file to enable you to install everything at once. You can pass the information from this file to `apt` using the following command:
```{code-block} sh
sudo apt install $(curl$FUNKWHALE_VERSION/deploy/requirements.apt)
When prompted, hit {kbd}`y` to confirm the install.
That's it! `apt` installs all dependencies and tells you once it has finished.
## 2. Create a Funkwhale user
It's good practice to create a user on your server for Funkwhale administration. Doing this makes it easy to make sure you're running commands from the right place. Follow these steps to set up your user.
1. Create the `funkwhale` user and set its shell to `bash` and its home directory to `/srv/funkwhale`.
```{code-block} sh
sudo useradd -r -s /usr/bin/bash -d /srv/funkwhale -m funkwhale
2. Create a password for the user. You need to do this so that you can use this user to perform database administration.
```{code-block} sh
sudo passwd funkwhale
3. Finally, give the user `sudo` privileges. You need to do this so that the user can run administrative tasks.
```{code-block} sh
usermod -aG sudo funkwhale
That's it! You've created your `funkwhale` user. Log in as this user when you want to perform any Funkwhale related tasks.
## 3. Download Funkwhale
Once you've created your `funkwhale` user you can download the Funkwhale software itself.
### Create the directory layout
1. Log in to your `funkwhale` account and go to the `/srv/funkwhale` directory.
```{code-block} sh
cd /srv/funkwhale
su funkwhale
2. Create the directories for Funkwhale.
```{code-block} sh
mkdir -p config api data/static data/media data/music front
That's it! Your directory structure should look like this:
```{code-block} text
├── config # config / environment files
├── api # the Funkwhale API
├── data # files served by the API
└── static # storage location for persistent data
└── media # storage location for media files
└── music # storage location for audio files
└── front # frontend files for the user interface
### Download the Funkwhale release
Once you've created the directory structure you can download Funkwhale. Funkwhale comes in two parts: the API and the Frontend. You need both to run the application.
1. Download the API.
```{code-block} sh
curl -L -o "api-$" "$FUNKWHALE_VERSION/download?job=build_api"
unzip "api-$" -d extracted
mv extracted/api/* api/
rm -rf extracted api-$
2. Download the frontend
```{code-block} sh
curl -L -o "front-$" "$FUNKWHALE_VERSION/download?job=build_front"
unzip "front-$" -d extracted
mv extracted/front .
rm -rf extracted front-$
You're done! These commands put the software in the correct location for Funkwhale to serve them.
## 4. Install Python dependencies
The Funkwhale API is written in Python. You need to install the API's dependencies to run the software. We use [Poetry]( to handle Python dependencies.
1. Install Poetry. Follow the steps in this wizard to set it up.
```{code-block} sh
curl -sSL | python3 -
2. Add Poetry to your `$PATH`. This allows you to use `poetry` commands.
```{code-block} sh
export "PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export "PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
3. Set up poetry in your `/srv/funkwhale/api` directory.
```{code-block} sh
cd /srv/funkwhale/api
poetry install
You're done! Poetry installs all Python dependencies.
## 5. Set up your environment file
The environment file contains options you can use to control your Funkwhale pod. Follow these steps to get a working environment up and running.
1. Download the `.env` template to your `/srv/funkwhale/config` directory.
```{code-block} sh
curl -L -o /srv/funkwhale/config/.env "$FUNKWHALE_VERSION/deploy/"
2. Generate a secret key for Django. This keeps your Funkwhale data secure. Do not share this key with anybody.
```{code-block} sh
openssl rand -base64 45
3. Reduce the permissions on your `.env` file to `600`. This means that only the `funkwhale` user can read and write this file.
```{code-block} sh
chmod 600 /srv/funkwhale/config/.env
4. Open the `.env` file in a text editor. For this example, we will use `nano`.
```{code-block} sh
nano /srv/funkwhale/config/.env
5. Update the following settings:
- Paste the secret key in the `DJANGO_SECRET_KEY` field.
- Populate the `DATABASE_URL` field:
```{code-block} text
- Populate the `CACHE_URL` field:
```{code-block} text
- Populate the `FUNKWHALE_HOSTNAME` field with the domain name of your server.
6. Hit {kbd}`ctrl + x` then {kbd}`y` to save the file and close `nano`.
You're done! Your environment file is now ready to go. You can check out a full list of configuration options in our Environment file guide.
## 6. Set up your database
Funkwhale uses a [PostgreSQL]( database to store information. Follow these steps to set up your database.
1. Install PostgreSQL and the `postgresql-contrib` package. This package contains extra features that Funkwhale uses.
```{code-block} sh
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
2. Once you've installed PostgreSQL, launch a `psql` shell as the `postgres` user to set up your database.
```{code-block} sh
sudo -u postgres psql
3. Create your Funkwhale database.
```{code-block} psql
4. Create a user for Funkwhale. This user needs all privileges so it can manage the database.
```{code-block} psql
CREATE USER funkwhale;
5. Once you're finished, exit the shell
```{code-block} psql
6. Run the following commands to create extra extensions for the `funkwhale` database.
```{code-block} sh
sudo -u postgres psql funkwhale -c 'CREATE EXTENSION "unaccent";'
sudo -u postgres psql funkwhale -c 'CREATE EXTENSION "citext";'
7. Your database is ready to be populated! Use the `` script to create the database structure.
```{code-block} sh
cd /srv/funkwhale/api
poetry run python migrate
You may see the following warning when applying migrations:
```{code-block} text
"Your models have changes that are not yet reflected in a migration, and so won't be applied."
You can safely ignore this warning.
That's it! You've finished setting up your database.
## 7. Set up Funkwhale
Once you have got your database up and running, you can get Funkwhale ready to launch. Use the built-in `` script to get things ready.
### Create a superuser for your pod
You can create several superusers.
To start using Funkwhale, you need to create a superuser for your pod. This user has all the permissions needed to administrate the pod. Follow these steps to create a superuser.
```{code-block} sh
poetry run python createsuperuser
That's it! You can log in as this user when you finish setting up Funkwhale.
### Collect static files
Funkwhale uses several static assets to serve its frontend. Use `` to collect these files so that the webserver can serve them.
```{code-block} sh
poetry run python collectstatic
## 8. Set up systemd unit files
Funkwhale uses [systemd]( to manage its services. systemd helps prevent downtime by bringing services back up if they fail. It also starts your Funkwhale services after a reboot. Follow these steps to set up Funkwhale services with systemd.
1. Download the sample unit files from Funkwhale.
```{code-block} sh
sudo curl -L -o "/etc/systemd/system/" "$FUNKWHALE_VERSION/deploy/"
sudo curl -L -o "/etc/systemd/system/funkwhale-server.service" "$FUNKWHALE_VERSION/deploy/funkwhale-server.service"
sudo curl -L -o "/etc/systemd/system/funkwhale-worker.service" "$FUNKWHALE_VERSION/deploy/funkwhale-worker.service"
sudo curl -L -o "/etc/systemd/system/funkwhale-beat.service" "$FUNKWHALE_VERSION/deploy/funkwhale-beat.service"
2. Reload systemd to register the new services.
```{code-block} sh
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
3. Start all Funkwhale services.
```{code-block} sh
sudo systemctl start
4. Enable the services. Systemd can then start the services after a reboot.
```{code-block} sh
sudo systemctl enable --now
That's it! systemd keeps these services running and starts them up in the correct order after a reboot.
## 9. Set up a reverse proxy
Funkwhale uses a reverse proxy to serve content to users. We use [Nginx]( to serve this proxy. Follow this guide to install an Nginx configuration using details from your `.env` file.
1. Install Nginx.
```{code-block} sh
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nginx
2. Download the Nginx templates from Funkwhale.
```{code-block} sh
sudo curl -L -o /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf "$FUNKWHALE_VERSION/deploy/funkwhale_proxy.conf"
sudo curl -L -o /etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.template "$FUNKWHALE_VERSION/deploy/nginx.template"
3. Create an Nginx template with details from your `.env` file.
```{code-block} sh
# Log in to a root shell.
sudo su
# Create an Nginx configuration using the Funkwhale template with details from your `.env` file.
set -a && source /srv/funkwhale/config/.env && set +a
envsubst "`env | awk -F = '{printf \" $%s\", $$1}'`" \
< /etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.template \
> /etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.conf
# Enable the configuration so that Nginx serves it.
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
# Exit the root shell.
That's it! You've created your Nginx file. Run the following command to check the `.env` details populated correctly.
```{code-block} sh
grep '${' /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/funkwhale.conf
## 10. Set up TLS
To enable your users to connect to your pod securely, you need to set up {abbr}`TLS (Transport Layer Security)`. To do this, we recommend using the <> script.
1. Log in as the superuser account to run these commands.
```{code-block} sh
2. Create the `/etc/certs` folder to store the certificates.
```{code-block} sh
mkdir /etc/certs
3. Download and run ``. Replace `` with your email address.
```{code-block} sh
curl | sh -s
4. Generate a certificate. Replace `` with your Funkwhale pod name. Use `/srv/funkwhale/front` as your web root folder.
```{code-block} sh --issue -d -w /srv/funkwhale/front
5. Install the certificate to your Nginx config. Replace `` with your Funkwhale pod name.
```{code-block} sh --install-cert -d \
--key-file /etc/certs/key.pem \
--fullchain-file /etc/certs/cert.pem \
--reloadcmd "service nginx force-reload"
That's it! renews your certificate every 60 days, so you don't need to about renewing it.