
3.6 KiB

Update in-place location reference for S3

If you've moved your content from a local disk to S3 storage, you need to update the location of any files you imported using --in-place. To ensure you don't update entries by accident, all commands run in dry run mode by default. Run commands with the --no-dry-run flag to update the references.

:::{note} This command doesn't move files. It only updates the location of the file to its S3 location based on the S3 settings in your environment file. :::

:::{list-table} Arguments :header-rows: 1

    • Argument
    • Description
    • source

    • The source directory of your in-place import.

      If no source is specified, all in-place imported tracks are updated.

    • target

    • The subdirectory in the S3 bucket where the files are now located.

      If no target is specified, the current path of the file is used.



Update all in-place imports


:::{tab-item} Debian :sync: debian

  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to the Funkwhale directory.

    $ cd /srv/funkwhale
  3. Run the funkwhale-manage command line interface to update your in-place imports.

    $ venv/bin/funkwhale-manage fw inplace_to_s3 --no-dry-run


:::{tab-item} Docker :sync: docker

  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to the Funkwhale directory.

    $ cd /srv/funkwhale
  3. Run the funkwhale-manage command line interface to update your in-place imports.

    $ sudo docker compose run --rm api funkwhale-manage inplace_to_s3 --no-dry-run

::: ::::

Update in-place imports from a specific directory


:::{tab-item} Debian :sync: debian

  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to the Funkwhale directory.

    $ cd /srv/funkwhale
  3. Run the funkwhale-manage command line interface to update your in-place imports.

    $ venv/bin/funkwhale-manage fw inplace_to_s3 --source "/music" --no-dry-run


:::{tab-item} Docker :sync: docker

  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to the Funkwhale directory.

    $ cd /srv/funkwhale
  3. Run the funkwhale-manage command line interface to update your in-place imports.

    $ sudo docker compose run --rm api funkwhale-manage inplace_to_s3 --source "/music" --no-dry-run

::: ::::

All in-place imports in the /music folder are updated to reference the /music subdirectory in your S3 bucket.

Reference a different target subdirectory


:::{tab-item} Debian :sync: debian

  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to the Funkwhale directory.

    $ cd /srv/funkwhale
  3. Run the funkwhale-manage command line interface to update your in-place imports.

    $ venv/bin/funkwhale-manage fw inplace_to_s3 --source "/music" --target "/new_import" --no-dry-run


:::{tab-item} Docker :sync: docker

  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to the Funkwhale directory.

    $ cd /srv/funkwhale
  3. Run the funkwhale-manage command line interface to update your in-place imports.

    $ sudo docker compose run --rm api funkwhale-manage inplace_to_s3 --source "/music" --target "/new_import" --no-dry-run

::: ::::

All in-place imports in the /music folder are updated to reference the /new_import subdirectory in your S3 bucket.