0.14.1 (2018-06-06)
Upgrade instructions are available at https://docs.funkwhale.audio/upgrading.html
- Display server version in the footer (#270)
- fix_track_files will now update files with bad mimetype (and not only the one
with no mimetype) (#273)
- Huge performance boost (~x5 to x7) during CLI import that queries MusicBrainz
- Removed alpha-state transcoding support (#271)
- Broken logging statement during import error (#274)
- Broken search bar on library home (#278)
- Do not crash when importing track with an artist that do not match the
release artist (#237)
- Do not crash when tag contains multiple uuids with a / separator (#267)
- Ensure we do not store bad mimetypes (such as application/x-empty) (#266)
- Fix broken "play all" button that played only 25 tracks (#281)
- Fixed broken track download modal (overflow and wrong URL) (#239)
- Removed hardcoded size limit in file upload widget (#275)
- Added warning about _protected/music location in nginx configuration (#247)
Removed alpha-state transcoding (#271)
A few months ago, a basic transcoding feature was implemented. Due to the way
this feature was designed, it was slow, CPU intensive on the server side,
and very tightly coupled to the reverse-proxy configuration, preventing
it to work Apache2, for instance. It was also not compatible with Subsonic clients.
Based on that, we're currently removing support for transcoding
**in its current state**. The work on a better designed transcoding feature
can be tracked in https://code.eliotberriot.com/funkwhale/funkwhale/issues/272.
You don't have to do anything on your side, but you may want to remove
the now obsolete configuration from your reverse proxy file (nginx only)::
# Remove those blocks:
# transcode cache
proxy_cache_path /tmp/funkwhale-transcode levels=1:2 keys_zone=transcode:10m max_size=1g inactive=7d;
# Transcoding logic and caching
location = /transcode-auth {
include /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf;
# needed so we can authenticate transcode requests, but still
# cache the result
set $query '';
# ensure we actually pass the jwt to the underlytin auth url
if ($request_uri ~* "[^\?]+\?(.*)$") {
set $query $1;
proxy_pass http://funkwhale-api/api/v1/trackfiles/viewable/?$query;
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
location /api/v1/trackfiles/transcode/ {
include /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf;
# this block deals with authenticating and caching transcoding
# requests. Caching is heavily recommended as transcoding
# is a CPU intensive process.
auth_request /transcode-auth;
if ($args ~ (.*)jwt=[^&]*(.*)) {
set $cleaned_args $1$2;
proxy_cache_key "$scheme$request_method$host$uri$is_args$cleaned_args";
proxy_cache transcode;
proxy_cache_valid 200 7d;
proxy_ignore_headers "Set-Cookie";
proxy_hide_header "Set-Cookie";
add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status;
proxy_pass http://funkwhale-api;
# end of transcoding logic
0.14 (2018-06-02)
Upgrade instructions are available at
- Admins can now configure default permissions that will be granted to all
registered users (#236)
- Files management interface for users with "library" permission (#223)
- New action table component for quick and efficient batch actions (#228) This
is implemented on the federated tracks pages, but will be included in other
pages as well depending on the feedback.
- Added a new "upload" permission that allows user to launch import and view
their own imports (#230)
- Added Support for OggTheora in import.
- Autoremove media files on model instance deletion (#241)
- Can now import a whole remote library at once thanks to new Action Table
component (#164)
- Can now use album covers from flac/mp3 metadata and separate file in track
directory (#219)
- Implemented getCovertArt in Subsonic API to serve album covers (#258)
- Implemented scrobble endpoint of subsonic API, listenings are now tracked
correctly from third party apps that use this endpoint (#260)
- Retructured music API to increase performance and remove useless endpoints
- Consistent constraints/checks for URL size (#207)
- Display proper total number of tracks on radio detail (#225)
- Do not crash on flac import if musicbrainz tags are missing (#214)
- Empty save button in radio builder (#226)
- Ensure anonymous users can use the app if the instance is configured
accordingly (#229)
- Ensure inactive users cannot get auth tokens (#218) This was already the case
bug we missed some checks
- File-upload import now supports Flac files (#213)
- File-upload importer should now work properly, assuming files are tagged
- Fixed a few broken translations strings (#227)
- Fixed broken ordering in front-end lists (#179)
- Fixed ignored page_size paremeter on artist and favorites list (#240)
- Read ID3Tag Tracknumber from TRCK (#220)
- We now fetch album covers regardless of the import methods (#231)
- Added missing subsonic configuration block in deployment vhost files (#249)
- Moved upgrade doc under install doc in TOC (#251)
- Removed acoustid support, as the integration was buggy and error-prone (#106)
Files management interface
This is the first bit of an ongoing work that will span several releases, to
bring more powerful library management features to Funkwhale. This iteration
includes a basic file management interface where users with the "library"
permission can list and search available files, order them using
various criterias (size, bitrate, duration...) and delete them.
New "upload" permission
This new permission is helpful if you want to give upload/import rights
to some users, but don't want them to be able to manage the library as a whole:
although there are no controls yet for managing library in the fron-end,
subsequent release will introduce management interfaces for artists, files,
Because of that, users with the "library" permission will have much more power,
and will also be able to remove content from the platform. On the other hand,
users with the "upload" permission will only have the ability to add new
Also, this release also includes a new feature called "default permissions":
those are permissions that are granted to every users on the platform.
On public/open instances, this will play well with the "upload" permission
since everyone will be able to contribute to the instance library without
an admin giving the permission to every single user.
Smarter album cover importer
In earlier versions, covers where only imported when launching a YouTube import.
Starting from this release, covers will be imported regardless of the import mode
(file upload, youtube-dl, CLI, in-place...). Funkwhale will look for covers
in the following order:
1. In the imported file itself (FLAC/MP3 only)
2. In a cover.jpg or cover.png in the file directory
3. By fetching cover art from Musibrainz, assuming the file is tagged correctly
This will only work for newly imported tracks and albums though. In the future,
we may offer an option to refetch album covers from the interface, but in the
meantime, you can use the following snippet:
.. code-block:: python
# Store this in /tmp/update_albums.py
from funkwhale_api.music.models import Album, TrackFile
from funkwhale_api.music.tasks import update_album_cover
albums_without_covers = Album.objects.filter(cover='')
total = albums_without_covers.count()
print('Found {} albums without cover'.format(total))
for i, album in enumerate(albums_without_covers.iterator()):
print('[{}/{}] Fetching cover for {}...'.format(i+1, total, album.title))
f = TrackFile.objects.filter(track__album=album).filter(source__startswith='file://').first()
update_album_cover(album, track_file=f)
Then launch it::
# docker setups
cat /tmp/update_albums.py | docker-compose run --rm api python manage.py shell -i python
# non-docker setups
source /srv/funkwhale/load_env
source /srv/funkwhale/virtualenv/bin/activate
cat /tmp/update_albums.py | python manage.py shell -i python
# cleanup
rm /tmp/update_albums.py
.. note::
Depending on your number of albums, the previous snippet may take some time
to execute. You can interrupt it at any time using ctrl-c and relaunch it later,
as it's idempotent.
Music API changes
This release includes an API break. Even though the API is advertised
as unstable, and not documented, here is a brief explanation of the change in
case you are using the API in a client or in a script. Summary of the changes:
- ``/api/v1/artists`` does not includes a list of tracks anymore. It was to heavy
to return all of this data all the time. You can get all tracks for an
artist using ``/api/v1/tracks?artist=artist_id``
- Additionally, ``/api/v1/tracks`` now support an ``album`` filter to filter
tracks matching an album
- ``/api/v1/artists/search``, ``/api/v1/albums/search`` and ``/api/v1/tracks/search``
endpoints are removed. Use ``/api/v1/{artists|albums|tracks}/?q=yourquery``
instead. It's also more powerful, since you can combine search with other
filters and ordering options.
- ``/api/v1/requests/import-requests/search`` endpoint is removed as well.
Use ``/api/v1/requests/import-requests/?q=yourquery``
instead. It's also more powerful, since you can combine search with other
filters and ordering options.
Of course, the front-end was updated to work with the new API, so this should
not impact end-users in any way, apart from slight performance gains.
.. note::
The API is still not stable and may evolve again in the future. API freeze
will come at a later point.
Flac files imports via upload
You have nothing to do to benefit from this, however, since Flac files
tend to be a lot bigger than other files, you may want to increase the
``client_max_body_size`` value in your Nginx configuration if you plan
to upload flac files.
Missing subsonic configuration bloc in vhost files
Because of a missing bloc in the sample Nginx and Apache configurations,
instances that were deployed after the 0.13 release are likely to be unable
to answer to Subsonic clients (the missing bits were properly documented
in the changelog).
Ensure you have the following snippets in your Nginx or Apache configuration
if you plan to use the Subsonic API.
location /rest/ {
include /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf;
proxy_pass http://funkwhale-api/api/subsonic/rest/;
<Location "/rest">
ProxyPass ${funkwhale-api}/api/subsonic/rest
ProxyPassReverse ${funkwhale-api}/api/subsonic/rest