Fix linting issues

wvffle 2022-11-27 12:15:43 +00:00 zatwierdzone przez Kasper Seweryn
rodzic 14c784e06d
commit fea7493725
48 zmienionych plików z 101161 dodań i 101227 usunięć

.vscode/settings.json vendored
Wyświetl plik

@ -2,20 +2,13 @@
"python.defaultInterpreterPath": "/workspace/funkwhale/api/.venv/bin/python",
"python.testing.cwd": "/workspace/funkwhale/api",
"python.envFile": "/workspace/funkwhale/.gitpod/.env",
"python.testing.pytestArgs": [
"python.testing.pytestArgs": ["--cov=funkwhale_api", "tests/"],
"python.testing.unittestEnabled": false,
"python.testing.pytestEnabled": true,
"vitest.enable": true,
"vitest.commandLine": "yarn vitest",
"i18n-ally.localesPaths": [
"i18n-ally.localesPaths": ["front/src/locales"],
"i18n-ally.pathMatcher": "*.json",
"i18n-ally.enabledFrameworks": [
"i18n-ally.enabledFrameworks": ["vue"],
"i18n-ally.keystyle": "nested"

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
"en": {
"00:00": "00:00"
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { QueueItemSource } from '~/types'
@ -56,7 +64,7 @@ const store = useStore()
const labels = computed(() => ({
queue: t('components.Queue.label.queue'),
populating: t('components.Queue.queue.label.populatingRadio'),
populating: t('components.Queue.label.populatingRadio'),
duration: t('components.Queue.label.duration'),
addArtistContentFilter: t('components.Queue.label.addArtistContentFilter'),
restart: t('components.Queue.label.restart'),
@ -129,8 +137,7 @@ const queueItems = computed(() =>, index) => ({
remove: t('components.Queue.label.remove'),
selectTrack: t('components.Queue.label.selectTrack'),
favorite: t('components.Queue.label.favorite')
duration: time.durationFormatted(track.uploads[0]?.duration ?? 0) ?? ''
}) as QueueItemSource))
const reorderTracks = async (from: number, to: number) => {
@ -261,7 +268,11 @@ const coverType = useStorage('queue:cover-type', CoverType.COVER_ART)
<h1>{{ currentTrack.title }}</h1>
<h2>{{ currentTrack.artistName }} &mdash; {{ currentTrack.albumTitle }}</h2>
{{ currentTrack.artistName }}
<span class="symbol hyphen middle" />
{{ currentTrack.albumTitle }}
@ -313,14 +324,10 @@ const coverType = useStorage('queue:cover-type', CoverType.COVER_ART)
class="ui small warning message"
<h3 class="header">
<translate translate-context="Sidebar/Player/No sources">
The track has no available sources
{{ $t('components.Queue.header.noSources') }}
<p v-if="hasNext && isPlaying">
<translate translate-context="Sidebar/Player/Error message.Paragraph">
The next track will play automatically in a few seconds
{{ $t('components.Queue.message.automaticPlay') }}
<i class="loading spinner icon" />
@ -388,8 +395,8 @@ const coverType = useStorage('queue:cover-type', CoverType.COVER_ART)
<span class="right floated timer total">{{ time.parse(Math.round(duration)) }}</span>
<template v-else>
<span class="left floated timer">{{ durationFormatted(0) }}</span>
<span class="right floated timer">{{ durationFormatted(0) }}</span>
<span class="left floated timer">{{ $t('components.Queue.meta.startTime') }}</span>
<span class="right floated timer">{{ $t('components.Queue.meta.startTime') }}</span>
@ -470,7 +477,7 @@ const coverType = useStorage('queue:cover-type', CoverType.COVER_ART)
class="ui basic primary button"
{{ $t('components.Queue.stopRadio') }}
{{ $t('components.Queue.button.stopRadio') }}

Wyświetl plik

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ const moderationNotifications = computed(() =>
const showLanguageModal = ref(false)
const locale = ref(i18nLocale.value)
watch(locale, (locale) => {
// setI18nLanguage(locale)
const isProduction = import.meta.env.PROD

Wyświetl plik

@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ initializeFirstTrack()
const loopingTitle = computed(() => {
const mode = looping.value
return mode === LoopingMode.None
? t('')
? t('')
: mode === LoopingMode.LoopTrack
? t('')
: t('')
? t('')
: t('')
const hideArtist = () => {
@ -276,8 +276,14 @@ const hideArtist = () => {
v-if="looping !== LoopingMode.None"
class="ui circular tiny vibrant label"
<template v-if="looping === LoopingMode.LoopTrack">1</template>
<span v-else-if="looping === LoopingMode.LoopQueue" class="infinity symbol" />
v-if="looping === LoopingMode.LoopTrack"
class="symbol single"
v-else-if="looping === LoopingMode.LoopQueue"
class="infinity symbol"

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useGettext } from 'vue3-gettext'
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
import { computed } from 'vue'
import { usePlayer } from '~/composables/audio/player'
@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ import { useQueue } from '~/composables/audio/queue'
const { hasPrevious, playPrevious, hasNext, playNext, currentTrack } = useQueue()
const { isPlaying } = usePlayer()
const { $pgettext } = useGettext()
const { t } = useI18n()
const labels = computed(() => ({
previous: $pgettext('Sidebar/Player/Icon.Tooltip', 'Previous track'),
play: $pgettext('Sidebar/Player/Icon.Tooltip/Verb', 'Play'),
pause: $pgettext('Sidebar/Player/Icon.Tooltip/Verb', 'Pause'),
next: $pgettext('Sidebar/Player/Icon.Tooltip', 'Next track')
previous: t(''),
play: t(''),
pause: t(''),
next: t('')

Wyświetl plik

@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ const actionsButtonLabel = computed(() => t('
class="really discrete"
<span class="nospace middledot symbol" />
<span class="middledot symbol" />
v-if="track.uploads[0] && track.uploads[0].duration"
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ const actionsButtonLabel = computed(() => t('
class="track-meta mobile"
{{ track.artist?.name }}
<span class="nospace middledot symbol" />
<span class="middledot symbol" />
v-if="track.uploads[0] && track.uploads[0].duration"

Wyświetl plik

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ const created = (application: Application) => {
{{ $t('') }}
<h2 class="ui header">
{{ title }}
{{ labels.title }}

Wyświetl plik

@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ fetchOwnedApps()
{{ $t('components.auth.Settings.description.changeEmail') }}
{{ $t('components.auth.Settings.message.currentEmail', { email: email }) }}
{{ $t('components.auth.Settings.message.currentEmail', { email: $store.state.auth.profile?.email }) }}
class="ui form"

Wyświetl plik

@ -2,10 +2,13 @@
import SemanticModal from '~/components/semantic/Modal.vue'
import useThemeList from '~/composables/useThemeList'
import useTheme from '~/composables/useTheme'
import { useVModel } from '@vueuse/core'
import { computed } from 'vue'
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
import { SUPPORTED_LOCALES } from '~/init/locale'
interface Events {
(e: 'update:show', value: boolean): void
(e: 'showLanguageModalEvent'): void
@ -94,7 +97,7 @@ const labels = computed(() => ({
<span class="left colon symbol" />
<div class="right floated">
<span class="user-modal list-item">{{ $language.available[$language.current] }}</span>
<span class="user-modal list-item">{{ SUPPORTED_LOCALES[$i18n.locale] }}</span>
<i class="action-hint chevron right icon" />

Wyświetl plik

@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ useEventListener(window, 'beforeunload', (event) => {
class="ui warning label"
{{ uploadedFilesCount + erroredFilesCount }}
<span class="nospace slash symbol" />
<span class="slash symbol" />
{{ files.length }}
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ useEventListener(window, 'beforeunload', (event) => {
:class="['ui', {'success': erroredFilesCount === 0}, {'danger': erroredFilesCount > 0}, 'label']"
{{ uploadedFilesCount + erroredFilesCount }}
<span class="nospace slash symbol" />
<span class="slash symbol" />
{{ files.length }}
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ useEventListener(window, 'beforeunload', (event) => {
class="ui warning label"
{{ processedFilesCount }}
<span class="nospace slash symbol" />
<span class="slash symbol" />
{{ processableFiles }}
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ useEventListener(window, 'beforeunload', (event) => {
:class="['ui', {'success': uploads.errored === 0}, {'danger': uploads.errored > 0}, 'label']"
{{ processedFilesCount }}
<span class="nospace slash symbol" />
<span class="slash symbol" />
{{ processableFiles }}

Wyświetl plik

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ onMounted(() => $('.ui.dropdown').dropdown())
const { t } = useI18n()
const labels = computed(() => ({
searchPlaceholder: t(''),
title: t('components.library.Podcasts.title')
title: t('components.library.Radios.title')
const paginateOptions = computed(() => sortedUniq([12, 25, 50, paginateBy.value].sort((a, b) => a - b)))

Wyświetl plik

@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ const getCurrentState = (target?: StateTarget): ReviewState => {
<div class="ui inline form">
<div class="fields">
<div class="ui field">
<label for="search-edits">{{ $t('') }}</label>
<label for="search-edits">{{ $t('') }}</label>
<form @submit.prevent="query = search.value">

Wyświetl plik

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ const labels = computed(() => ({
class="item disabled"
<span class="nospace ellipses symbol" />
<span class="ellipses symbol" />

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
import type { Track, Upload } from '~/types'
import { createGlobalState, useNow, useStorage, useTimeAgo, whenever } from '@vueuse/core'
import { shuffle as shuffleArray, sum } from 'lodash-es'
import { computed, ref, shallowReactive, watchEffect } from 'vue'
import { shuffle as shuffleArray, sum } from 'lodash-es'
import { useClamp } from '@vueuse/math'
import { delMany, getMany, setMany } from '~/composables/data/indexedDB'
import { looping, LoopingMode, isPlaying } from '~/composables/audio/player'
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
import { useStore } from '~/store'
import { looping, LoopingMode, isPlaying } from '~/composables/audio/player'
import { delMany, getMany, setMany } from '~/composables/data/indexedDB'
import { setGain } from '~/composables/audio/audio-api'
import { useTracks } from '~/composables/audio/tracks'
import { gettext } from '~/init/locale'
import axios from 'axios'
import { setGain } from './audio-api'
export interface QueueTrackSource {
uuid: string
@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ export const useQueue = createGlobalState(() => {
const { currentSound } = useTracks()
const createQueueTrack = async (track: Track): Promise<QueueTrack> => {
const { $pgettext } = gettext
const { t } = useI18n()
const { default: store } = await import('~/store')
if (track.uploads.length === 0) {
@ -116,8 +115,8 @@ export const useQueue = createGlobalState(() => {
return {
title: track.title,
artistName: track.artist?.name ?? $pgettext('*/*/*', 'Unknown artist'),
albumTitle: track.album?.title ?? $pgettext('*/*/*', 'Unknown album'),
artistName: track.artist?.name ?? t(''),
albumTitle: track.album?.title ?? t(''),
position: track.position,
artistId: track.artist?.id ?? -1,
albumId: track.album?.id ?? -1,

Wyświetl plik

@ -155,6 +155,7 @@
"Queue": {
"label": {
"queue": "Queue",
"populatingRadio": "Fetching radio track...",
"duration": "Duration",
"addArtistContentFilter": "Hide content from this artist…",
"restart": "Restart track",
@ -164,11 +165,16 @@
"play": "Play",
"remove": "Remove",
"selectTrack": "Select track",
"favorite": "Favorite track"
"favorite": "Favorite track",
"enterFullscreen": "Enter fullscreen mode",
"exitFullscreen": "Exit fullscreen mode",
"showCoverArt": "Show Cover Art",
"showVisualizer": "Show MoonDrop visualizer"
"header": {
"failure": "The track cannot be loaded",
"radio": "You have a radio playing"
"radio": "You have a radio playing",
"noSources": "The track has no available sources."
"message": {
"automaticPlay": "The next track will play automatically in a few seconds…",
@ -183,7 +189,8 @@
"stopRadio": "Stop radio"
"meta": {
"queuePosition":"Track {index} of {length}"
"queuePosition": "Track {index} of {length}",
"startTime": "00:00"
"RemoteSearchForm": {
@ -649,6 +656,14 @@
"noResults": "Nothing found"
"PlayerControls": {
"labels": {
"previous": "Previous track",
"next": "Next track",
"pause": "Pause",
"play": "Play"
"auth": {
@ -659,7 +674,11 @@
"header": {
"appDetails": "Application Details",
"editApp": "Edit application"
"editApp": "Edit application",
"appSecretWarning": "Keep a copy of this token in a safe place."
"message": {
"appSecretWarning": "You won't be able to see it again once you leave this screen."
"help": {
"appDetails": "Application ID and secret are really sensitive values and must be treated like passwords. Do not share those with anyone else."
@ -1285,12 +1304,10 @@
"shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts"
"link": {
"options": "Options",
"profile": "Profile",
"settings": "Settings",
"logout": "Log out",
"about": "About",
"shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
"support": "Help",
"forum": "Forum",
"docs": "Documentation",
@ -1779,8 +1796,7 @@
"label": {
"search": "Podcast title",
"tags": "Tags",
"excludeCompilation": "Exclude Compilation Artists"
"tags": "Tags"
"button": {
"search": "Search",
@ -1819,12 +1835,9 @@
"instance": "Instance radios",
"user": "User radios"
"link": {
"link": {},
"label": {
"search": "Search",
"tags": "Tags"
"search": "Search"
"button": {
"search": "Search",
@ -1877,7 +1890,6 @@
"domain": "View on {domain}",
"wikipedia": "Search on Wikipedia",
"discogs": "Search on Discogs",
"musicbrainz":"View on MusicBrainz",
"moderation": "Open in moderation interface",
"django": "View in Django's admin"
@ -2207,9 +2219,7 @@
"descending": "Descending"
"link": {
"local": "Local"
"link": {},
"table": {
"tag": {
"header": {
@ -2652,6 +2662,7 @@
"status": "Status",
"creationDate": "Creation date",
"expirationDate": "Expiration date",
"user": "User",
"code": "Code"
@ -2907,6 +2918,8 @@
"startTagsRadio": "Start tags radio",
"stopArtistsRadio": "Stop artists radio",
"startArtistsRadio": "Start artists radio",
"stopPlaylistsRadio": "Stop playlists radio",
"startPlaylistsRadio": "Start playlists radio",
"stopRadio": "Stop radio",
"startRadio": "Play radio"
@ -2947,8 +2960,9 @@
"usePlayOptions": {
"addToQueueMessage": "{count} tracks were added to your queue | {count} track was added to your queue | {count} tracks were added to your queue"
"useQueue": {
"queueShuffled": "Queue shuffled!"
"queue": {
"unknownArtist": "Unknown Artist",
"unknownAlbum": "Unknown Album"
"locale": {
@ -3029,7 +3043,6 @@
"albumTitle": "'Album name",
"artistName": "'Artist name",
"name": "'Name",
"length": "'Duration",
"itemsCount": "'Items",
"size": "'Size",
"bitrate": "'Bitrate",
@ -3199,19 +3212,6 @@
"embed": {
"EmbedFrame": {
"error": {
"badResource": "Widget improperly configured (bad resource type {type}).",
"missingResourceId": "Widget improperly configured (missing resource id).",
"trackNotFound": "Track not found.",
"unauthenticated": "You need to login to access this resource.",
"unknownServer": "An unknown error occurred while loading track data from server.",
"trackUnavailable": "This track is unavailable.",
"unknownTrack": "An unknown error occurred while loading track data."
"init": {
"axios": {
"rateLimitDelay": "You sent too many requests and have been rate limited, please try again in {delay}",
@ -3554,7 +3554,6 @@
"audioContent": {
"cachedSize": "Cached size",
"totalSize": "Total size"
@ -3580,7 +3579,6 @@
"content": {
"warning": "The tag will be removed and unlinked from any existing entity. This action is irreversible."
"table": {

Wyświetl plik

@ -127,70 +127,34 @@ span.diff.removed {
.symbol {
&.left::after {
padding-right: 0.25em;
&.right::after {
padding-left: 0.25em;
&.middle::after {
padding: 0 0.25em;
&.at::after {
content: "@";
&.slash {
&.left::after {
padding-right: 0.25em;
&.slash::after {
content: "/";
&.right::after {
padding-left: 0.25em;
content: "/";
&.middle::after {
padding: 0.25em;
content: "/";
&.nospace::after {
content: "/";
&.pipe {
&.left::after {
padding-right: 0.25em;
&.pipe::after {
content: "|";
&.right::after {
padding-left: 0.25em;
content: "|";
&.middle::after {
padding: 0.25em;
content: "|";
&.middledot {
&.left::before {
padding-right: 0.25em;
&.middledot::after {
content: "·";
&.right::after {
padding-left: 0.25em;
content: "·";
&.middle::after {
padding: 0.25em;
content: "·";
&.nospace::after {
content: "·";
&.infinity::after {
content: "";
@ -203,58 +167,22 @@ span.diff.removed {
content: "#";
&.ellipses {
&.nospace::after {
&.ellipses::after {
content: "";
&.middle::after {
padding: 0.25em;
content: "";
&.doubledot::after {
content: "..";
&.hyphen {
&.left::before {
padding-right: 0.25em;
&.hyphen::after {
content: "-";
&.right {
padding-left: 0.25em;
content: "-";
&.middle::after {
padding: 0.25em;
content: "-";
&.colon {
&.left::before {
padding-right: 0.25em;
&.colon::after {
content: ":";
&.right::after {
padding-left: 0.25em;
content: ":";
&.middle::after {
padding: 0.25em;
content: ":";
&.percent::after {
content: "%";

Wyświetl plik

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ const deletePlaylist = async () => {
<div class="content">
{{ }}
<div class="sub header">
{{ $t('views.playlists.Detail.meta.tracks', {count: tracks_count, username: playlist.user.username}) }}
{{ $t('views.playlists.Detail.meta.tracks', {count: playlist.tracks_count, username: playlist.user.username}) }}
<duration :seconds="playlist.duration" />

Wyświetl plik

@ -3925,6 +3925,16 @@ json5@^2.1.3, json5@^2.2.0, json5@^2.2.1:
resolved ""
integrity sha512-1hqLFMSrGHRHxav9q9gNjJ5EXznIxGVO09xQRrwplcS8qs28pZ8s8hupZAmqDwZUmVZ2Qb2jnyPOWcDH8m8dlA==
jsonc-eslint-parser@2.1.0, jsonc-eslint-parser@^2.0.0:
version "2.1.0"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-qCRJWlbP2v6HbmKW7R3lFbeiVWHo+oMJ0j+MizwvauqnCV/EvtAeEeuCgoc/ErtsuoKgYB8U4Ih8AxJbXoE6/g==
acorn "^8.5.0"
eslint-visitor-keys "^3.0.0"
espree "^9.0.0"
semver "^7.3.5"
version "1.4.1"
resolved ""
@ -3936,16 +3946,6 @@ jsonc-eslint-parser@^1.0.1:
espree "^6.0.0"
semver "^6.3.0"
jsonc-eslint-parser@^2.0.0, jsonc-eslint-parser@^2.1.0:
version "2.1.0"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-qCRJWlbP2v6HbmKW7R3lFbeiVWHo+oMJ0j+MizwvauqnCV/EvtAeEeuCgoc/ErtsuoKgYB8U4Ih8AxJbXoE6/g==
acorn "^8.5.0"
eslint-visitor-keys "^3.0.0"
espree "^9.0.0"
semver "^7.3.5"
version "6.1.0"
resolved ""